Everyone's a target .....coronavirus
Wellness is a state of dynamic balance in the body where illness simply can not exist. This self evident axiom holds true that "in perfect balance there can be no disease."
The human body is a magnificent and miraculous machine that constantly repairs itself from damage, foreign invaders and mutant cells when it is in balance. Conversely, when the body is out of balance a host of possible diseases can and usually do occur.
Viruses prey upon all living organisms, turning them into virus Xerox machines.
Unlike a bacterium or a cell of an animal, a virus lacks the ability to replicate on its own. A virus does contain some genetic information critical for making copies of itself, but it can't get the job done without the help of a cell's duplicating equipment, borrowing enzymes and other molecules to concoct more virus.
"It's not a living organism," said immunologist Fabio Romerio of the Institute of Human Virology, founded and directed by Gallo. "It's simply a well organized molecular parasite."
Stuck in a microscopic purgatory somewhere between life and unlife, viruses can remain dormant for long periods of time.
Physicists at Arizona State University say they have developed a method to calculate the exact frequency that it would take to shake a virus to death, according to an article published in the journal Physical Review Letters .
Medical applications of electromagnetic fields.
This concept has been tested in vitro on malaria parasites and found to be effective. This may provide a low cost effective treatment for malaria infection in humans. The rationale for cancer treatment using low-intensity EMF is based on two concepts that have been well established in the literature:
(1) low-intensity non-thermal EMF enhances cytotoxic free radicals via the iron-mediated Fenton reaction; and
(2) cancer cells have higher amounts of free iron, thus are more susceptible to the cytotoxic effects of EMF. Since normal cells contain minimal amount of free iron, the effect would be selectively targeting cancer cells. Thus, no adverse side effect would be expected as in traditional chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
This concept has also been tested on human cancer cell and normal cells in vitro and proved to be feasible.
Medical applications of electromagnetic fields
Authors: Lai, Henry C.; Singh, Narendra P.
Resonant frequencies are the key to stringed instruments, in which a string of a certain material, thickness and length has a resonant frequency that produces a specific musical note.
But resonant frequencies can also cause objects to shake so uncontrollably that their stability is undermined, as when a wind shook the Tacoma Narrows Bridge at its resonant frequency in 1940, causing it to collapse.
Because the shell of a single virus can contain millions of atoms, it is difficult to calculate a given virus' resonant frequency except by trial and error. But in the current study, researchers successfully calculated the resonant frequency of a simple satellite tobacco necrosis virus.
The next step for the researchers is to determine if the same technique will work for other, more complex viruses.
Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you …While many antiviral drugs are very harsh on the body and have dangerous or debilitating side effects, the frequencies used to disrupt the viruses should have no effect on human or even bacterial cells, which are much larger and consequently have significantly lower resonant frequencies.
A virus' death knell Sankey explained
All objects have resonant frequencies at which they naturally oscillate. Pluck a guitar string and it will vibrate at a resonant frequency.
But resonating can get out of control. A famous example is the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, which warped and finally collapsed in 1940 due to a wind that rocked the bridge back and forth at one of its resonant frequencies.
Viruses are susceptible to the same kind of mechanical excitation. An experimental group led by K. T. Tsen from Arizona State University have recently shown that pulses of laser light can induce destructive vibrations in virus shells.
"The idea is that the time that the pulse is on is about a quarter of a period of a vibration," Sankey said. "Like pushing a child on a swing from rest, one impulsive push gets the virus shaking."
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In addition, because a resonant frequency is an inherent characteristic of a virus' makeup, researchers say it is unlikely that resistance to it could develop.
Insight into the latest virus
Media coverage plus fear and panic
"Imagine a father pushing his child on a swing. Small pushes can cause the child to swing fairly high, if Dad pushes at the right time. If Dad pushes as the swing returns to its highest point, gentle pushes are magnified, and the child keeps swinging higher. This case is an example of resonance. If Dad pushes randomly, the pushes cancel out and swing does not go high. Resonance does not occur. "
Now Imagine, for a moment, that you have spent more than two decades in painfully laborious research-- that you have discovered an incredibly simple, electronic approach to curing literally every disease on the planet caused by viruses and bacteria .
Indeed, it is a discovery that would end the pain and suffering of countless millions and change life on Earth forever. Certainly, the medical world would rush to embrace you with every imaginable accolade and financial reward imaginable. You would think so, wouldn?t you?
Your comment ….?
In the nineteenth century, Semmelweiss struggled mightily to convince surgeons that it was a good idea to sterilize their instruments and use sterile surgical procedures.
Pasteur was ridiculed for years for his theory that germs could cause disease.
Scores of other medical visionaries went through hell for simply challenging the medical status quo of day, including such legends as Roentgen and his X-rays,
Morton for promoting the 'absurd' idea of anaesthesia, Harvey for his theory of the circulation of blood, and many others in recent decades including: W.F. Koch, Revici, Burzynski, Naessens, Priore, Livingston-Wheeler, and Hoxsey.
Unfortunately, arguably the greatest medical genius in all recorded history suffered a fate literally the opposite of the foregoing logical scenario.
In fact, the history of medicine is replete with stories of genius betrayed by backward thought and jealously, but most pathetically, by greed and money.
Antiviral essential oils recommended for healthy adults: Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Eucalyptus Globulus / Radiata, Lemon, Myrtle, Manuka, Melissa, Niaouli, Ravensara, Ravintsara, Rosemary, Saro, Tea Tree, Thyme, Thymol and Linalool.
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
4 年Some viruses are very specific about which cells they target, while others are less selective. Like matching puzzle pieces, the virus searches for cells to stick to. proteins on the surface of the virus recognize its target by the protein recorded s or sugars on the surface of the host cell.