Not Everyone Is Your Friend. Growth and Change = New Opportunities and Innovations.

Not Everyone Is Your Friend. Growth and Change = New Opportunities and Innovations.

Today, I was reminded of the importance of encouraging people who actively look to add value to my life. Someone I've only met a couple of times noted something they encouraged me to keep doing (hat tip and hugs Jason Wize ). Another offered insightful advice that I really needed— a very thoughtful answer. Another complimented me in a way that hit home, without even knowing how much I needed it. Yet another asked about something significant in my life, showing genuine care. And it’s only 5 PM—the list goes on.

We often use the word friend so loosely, so what is a friend?

- A friend is someone you can trust, someone who doesn’t spill your secrets the moment you’re out of earshot.

- They’re the ones cheering you on, not secretly hoping you fail so they can feel better about themselves.

- Friends respect each other. They don’t step on your toes or ignore your boundaries.

- A real friend tells you the truth, not just what you want to hear (I LOVE THESE FRIENDS). Even if it stings a little.

- You actually have things in common. Shocking, right?

Then sometimes we outgrow friends, and we should!

Here’s the thing: people change, and so do you! Remember the conversation between the butterfly and the caterpillar? The caterpillar says, "You've changed," and the butterfly responds, "We're supposed to."

- Life’s a journey, and sometimes your paths just diverge.

- Your priorities shift as you grow. Friends who were once on the same page might end up in a different book/era.

- If you’re leveling up and they’re staying the same, it’s natural to drift apart.

- Cut the dead weight. You don’t need toxic people dragging you down.

- Friendship is a two-way street. If they’re not putting in the effort, why should you?

It’s perfectly fine to accept that people change. It doesn’t mean the friendship wasn’t real. It just means you’re making room for people who actually get you now and those you may need.

One of my sons asked how he was going to find a significant other that was the kind of person he wanted to be, I reminded him, we have to go be it to attract it. We are in fact the sum of those we spend time with as kids or adults.

So, ask yourself:

Who’s in your corner? Who’s pushing you to be better, to win, to grow? If you have those friends that grow with you for decades, that is awesome! This is a reminder to surround yourself with people who have those real, growth-focused conversations. Those are your true friends. The rest? Well, let’s just say...

Lori (Teall) Norgrove

Improving the customer journey through seamless automation

4 个月

Great post, Leah! This article really resonates with me right now. I’ve had several instances in my life where I’ve needed support over the last few years. Many friends have been incredibly supportive, some that I hadn’t been in contact with regularly have blown me away with their kindness and outreach, but a few friends and family have not been supportive. I think this is where the true light shines on what I consider a meaningful friendship. Thank you for the reminder that now is a good time to take stock and reflect on my realtionships. As you said, life’s a journey, and sometimes your paths just diverge.

James Jelnicki

Executive Director at Metro Mastermind Alliance

5 个月

Thank You Leah great insight and great essay ??

Marti McLeish

Revenue Enablement | Operational Excellence | Strategic Planning | Change Management | Sales Management | Team Building | Training & Development

5 个月

So true Leah, it’s important to take stock once in a while.

Susan Sather, CPP

Retired - Executive Director of Employee Financial Services, Pensions, & College Disbursements at Schoolcraft College

5 个月

Sometimes friends and family can intersect. Amazing when that happens! Other times, friends can be so much more insightful than family. Can make you sad, but joyous at the same time!


