Everyone is responsible for their actions!
The summer vacation of Grindeks employees, during which most of us rested, gained strength and enjoyed life, came to the end and now we are full of inspiration and energy to achieve new goals. However, today, taking into account various global events, I would like to talk about responsibility, and not only the responsibility of an employee of a pharmaceutical enterprise, but also of a person in general.
If you look into the essence of the concept of responsibility, then you see that it is a duty to be responsible for your actions and decisions. With an irresponsible attitude to the work, to the word, to the time - nothing can be achieved. Many of us are now returning from vacation in a state of mild euphoria after a pleasant holiday. However, we must all remember that Covid-19 is still a serious threat to humanity. Therefore, safety requirements remain in the area of responsibility of everyone: keeping distance, washing hands, etc., both in the workplace and outside it. Returning from countries that are on the list of "potentially dangerous", after visiting which, it is necessary to self-isolate, we must comply with this requirement. Not to ignore, not to hush up the fact of the visit, hoping for luck, but to self-isolate and this is our responsibility.
Another aspect that I want to touch on today is responsibility at the workplace and compliance with all safety requirements. The recent tragic disaster in the Lebanese capital - Beirut, clearly demonstrated the dire and devastating consequences that can occur from frivolity and inaction. If there is no responsibility, than innocent people suffer and die. Yes, the whole world is now trying to help the people of Beirut, including Grindeks, who sent a consignment with Oxytocin, but all these efforts will not return anything lost forever. At Grindeks, we work at a pharmaceutical company that uses explosive and flammable substances in its activities, and some chemical processes take place in reactors. Therefore, our employees constantly undergo various trainings, including safety measures, so that all processes run perfectly and as safely as possible, because we are responsible for them!
Director of Onorach Innovation. Associate of the Royal Society Medicine - London
4 年Hello Juris It would be good for Onorach Europe in Riga and Grindeks to work on a clinical trial please email.
Experienced Communications Lead / Reputation management / Branding / Marketing
4 年Responsible?action,?not?only?for?myself,?but?for?others.?Examples?of?life?show?that?there?is?an?increasing need?to?think?more?seriously?about?the?consequences?of?our?actions,?whether?it?concerns?aspects?of?everyday?life?or?complicated?work?processes.?Let?us?awaken?our?empathy!