Everyone Needs an Editor

Everyone Needs an Editor

Ernest Hemingway had one. So did F. Scott Fitzgerald. For that matter, so did Roald Dahl. What do these authors share in common? They all had editors. In fact, Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald shared the same editor—Maxwell Perkins. In?Podcast 161?Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker discuss the importance of all writers, including IEW students, having an editor.

Editors serve an important role. They are the initial readers of a composition. They enter into the text with no preconceived notions, something the writer cannot do. As an editor for an IEW student, that person is responsible for making the composition legal. In other words, the editor corrects mechanics such as punctuation and improper sentence construction. They also check for and correct any misspellings.

It is important to note that an editor does not need to be the teacher. There is benefit to releasing that job to someone else, such as a non-teaching parent, grandparent, or perhaps a teaching assistant. Generally the student’s IEW editor leaves any awkwardness untouched so that the teacher can review it. And being an editor means that the corrections are done without a lecture attached.

Check out the podcast and learn more about the importance of having an editor. It’s an interesting and informative discussion we are sure you’ll enjoy!


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