Not Everyone Learns the Same Way
“Tell me and I'll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I'll understand.”
The above words have been credited to Benjamin Franklin. Some disagree and claim that these words are an ancient Chinese proverb. Whatever the source, they ring true, no matter our profession. When it comes to training and education, there really is no benefit unless we achieve an understanding of what we are being taught.
Have you ever had something explained to you that you did not understand at first, even though everyone else in the room seemed to get it? If you were fortunate, the person doing the explaining noticed that you did not understand, or perhaps you asked, and they changed the explanation. They changed the words, the examples, the illustrations, and then you understood! The lights came on!
What does this show? Not everyone learns in the same way.
What works for one, may not work for another. This is, in a nutshell, the issue with many training providers today. They are not flexible enough, or their instructors are not good enough teachers, to recognize that multiple approaches to a subject are needed to meet the needs of a group of people.
Many training providers have a set course, and that is what they present, and if you don’t understand, then you are simply out of luck. This is where Kinetic Inspection & Testing is different. I will not stop at telling or showing the information. My goal – the thing I take pride in – is to make sure you understand what I am teaching you.
This is an easy thing to claim, but for those of you who are reading this who have taken my courses, you know that I work with individuals, for as long as it takes to make sure they have the tools they need when they leave my course. I care, because I have been there in the training courses and not understood what was being taught.
I have been the one in a training session who did not understand something that was presented, not because I was not capable of understanding, but because the instructor was not capable of teaching me. This experience led me to the realization that as a teacher, a trainer, an instructor, it is my job, my responsibility, to make sure that I adapt my teaching to the listener. It is not the listener who must change (yes there is responsibility with the student too), it is me, as the teacher, who has to recognize what the listener needs.
Please go to my website at and look at the courses I offer. I wrote them, and I can help you understand what you need from them, because I have also written the exams you are trying to pass. I know the value you want to take from training, through the exams, and into your career.
Sign up for my newsletter. Please register for a course. Right now if you use the promo code KIN15 at the checkout you will save 15% on all classroom courses. If you are registering more than 2 individuals, call me at 780-213-0292 and let’s see if we can make that discount bigger.
It has been said that 90% of education is in the delivery, and there is a measure of truth in that. But I will leave it to you to assign a number to that. Come to a course with Kinetic Inspection & Testing, and you will see that our delivery will help you reach understanding.
Todd Smith
CEO at Universal Consulting Group Ltd.
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