"Everyone Knows Simon"
Simon Davis
Embarking on a journey to create advocates of Bevi amongst the CRE community
Having just arrived back from my favorite 4 working days of the year at the CoreNet Global Summit (this year in a cold and gloomy Seattle, WA), I thought I would share some observations that people may find funny, informative and hopefully useful.
So firstly the title - it is meant to be eye-catching, but for those expecting a sales guy writing a conceited, self-congratulatory piece on how awesome he is, look away now! I would hope that those who truly know me would say that 99% of the time I am not those things.
The title comes from the fact that those three words were the most common I heard in my 4 days in Seattle (with the exception of “and then Cushman” when asked which event people were going to on the Monday night) - it seemed like half of the conference wanted to get into that event - I felt for those left out in the cold (because let’s face it, it was really cold outside and really fun inside).In terms of the weather, I lost count of the number of people I saw from the conference walking into Nordstrom because they needed a coat or shoes for the unseasonably cold weather.
So for context, those that don’t know me (or don’t know me well) in the last 3 weeks I have started working for a new company, Saltmine (which you will all hear much more about once we are out of Stealth Mode), and just attended CoreNet with a new CEO, who is not from the Real Estate space but Technology. I wanted to introduce him to as many people as possible, so a common question he had was “how do you know Simon?”
“Everyone Knows Simon”
Firstly not true! I am going to estimate there were 4k people there with the event including attendees and exhibitors and I maybe know 400 of them - so the real answer should be “10% of people know Simon”. I wanted to share with you the reasons why and provide some suggestions to people, particularly in my beloved role of Business Development, on my views (and they are my views) on how I have been successful in the Industry (certain secret ingredients withheld!)
- Learn your ABC’s - The famous movie Glengary Glen Ross coined the phrase “Always be Closing”. But that was 1992, and we are not in 1992 anymore. My amended version would be, “Always be Convivial” - friendly, merry, jovial - however you want to state it. I am sure most of you will have seen or been a part of the awkward scene at a conference where Salesperson A sees the name of the company Target B works for. They have not met before. Salesperson A immediately starts with “hi Target B, you really need to buy our product/service/soup” whatever (the soup reference is to a friend of mine who thought another friend had gone to join Knoor rather than Knoll). Amazingly the end of the discussion, Target B “forgot their business cards” and the pair part awkwardly.
My tip is if you don’t know the person, talk about something, anything, else than what you do - how cold it was, how the team from the person’s city did in the World Series (how bout them Astros - sorry Jeff). For me, the majority of my success has been built on developing a personal relationship.
2. Ribbon Up - we all see the people with a whole stream of ribbons like a five star general. The reason we wear them is that we are proud of them and have earned them. For me, my ribbons show two things:
i) I am on the CoreNet Faculty - I teach two classes - Workplace Strategy and Technology. I am proud of that, and really enjoy working with some fantastic people and Stephan (he knows I am kidding - I think he is the brightest mind in the RE Tech space). We do work hard to be your teachers - we are volunteers and we give up our time away from our families (and who would want to be away from the adorable Cora - side note, sorry/not sorry for the thousands of pictures I show people - including the one in this article!). More than anything it shows my commitment to CoreNet - this organization has given me so much I am happy to give back
ii) I am President of CoreNet Global Arizona Chapter - I always told my wife I would be the first non-American born president (this is not the time or place for Obama jokes) but just did not expect it to be of a CoreNet Chapter. Being part of a Chapter gives you so much - a group of people to be around and introduce you to others, a different perspective and knowledge of the industry and the ability to grow both personally and professionally. I strongly encourage everyone to get involved and do what they can. Our chapter is spearheading a Fundamentals of CRE class with ASU and looking to encourage the next generation that Corporate Real Estate is great and fulfilling career.
3. CoreNetwork as much as you can - it is so important, it is in the name. The reason that “Perhaps 10% of the people at CoreNet” know me is that I am a social butterfly at these things - I go to as many events/classes/meetings as I can to learn new things, meet new people and catch up with old friends (some are really old, right Simon 1). I always see groups of people that hang around with just their colleagues (I know everyone has their own preference and there is nothing wrong with that) - for me that would dilute the real power and take the Net out of CoreNet
4. Adopt a newbie!! I am going to call out one person in this article (to be in on the inside jokes for next year you will have to be part of the crowd) and that is Michael O'Brien. In a good way Michael, so don’t worry!!
Michael took me under his wing at one of my very first industry events when I knew literally no-one and he showed me the ropes, invited me to events and made me feel like an honorary member of the Carolinas Chapter. I will always be greatful for that and I try every year to ensure at least one new face joins the group this year it ended up being a brilliant lawyer/MBA/Real Estate professional who was given an interesting new perspective on Mother Teresa.
So CoreNet Seattle will be best remembered for a snowy arrival, Nordstrom side trips, amazing seafood (Blueacre and Barolo were highlights), first time teaching the MCR CRE Technology class, the head of real estate for Metallica, karaoke, my first Chair-Woman’s event (thanks Kate for everything), amazing Chiuly glass, Ask Jeeves, an Irish extravaganza courtesy of Larry and his amazing family, two Brians, Dragons Den, Museum of POP and fitting to end on 3 in a row at our favorite stop. See you in Boston 2018 #babiesofCoreNet
I hope this has been useful, or at least an amusing diversion from a busy day - I also know that there would be some fascinating perspectives on how people view CoreNet and what people get out of it - I would love to read articles entitled “Everyone knows...Adam, Al, Alex, Ali, Amy, Ann, Antonia, Anya, Arsh, Brad, Brady, Brian, Carrie, Casey, Charles, Chris, Christopher, Cliff, Craig, Daaf, Diane, Don, Doug, Elisa, Elise, Eric, Erwin, Frank, Francisco, Frances. Gabriella, Gayle, Gordon, Greg, Gus, Guy, Ian, Ingrid, Jeff, Jennifer, Jessica, Jim, Jo-Ann, John, Larry, Kate, Katy, Ken, Kelsey, Lloyd, Luigi, Matt, Michael, Mike, Natalie, Neil, Neville, Laura, Lynn, Margaret, Mark, Nicole, Mindy, Olivia, Paul, Prerana, Raul, Rian, Rick, Robert, Robyn, Scott, Shawn, Shannon, Shelley, Sherri, Sonya, Stephan, Steve, Toby, Todd, Tony, Tracy, Vik etc.
The gauntlet has been thrown #everybodyknows
Advocate for equity, equality and diversity | Global Head of Enterprise Solutions, Executive Vice President, Savills
7 年Well done, Simon, and nice to connect live this year. Much better than cardboard Simon!
Founder and CEO at Flexibli, Corporate Real Estate Consulting
7 年Great article and great seeing you there! A true leader and a person that leads with integrity understands that it is "everybody knows xxx" vs "xxx knows everybody".
Executive Director
7 年Generous, thoughtful, unfailingly polite. Everyone knows Simon! Good work, friend.
Managing Director, Global Head of Asset Management @Cushman & Wakefield for Standard Chartered
7 年Great post Simon. Pulitzer in the post for sure.
Go To Market Strategy and Sales Engineering at Mosaic
7 年Well done Simon! Thanks for a great read. I really appreciate your encouraging the adoption of “newbies” and fostering connections!