Everyone I Work With Knows Why They Have Cancer

Everyone I Work With Knows Why They Have Cancer

I don't want to offend too many people here, but I do want to speak into truth because that's what I'm all about. And I have worked with a lot of people that have had stage four cancer. I've supported them and lifted their spirits or maybe helped them get a better night's sleep or breathe better. Different things. Just be at peace.

And what's really fascinating is every single person that I've worked with ... I'm not saying this goes for everyone, but every single person I have worked with knew something was up. They knew exactly why they had cancer in their life, and that blew my mind to hear that because I do know other people that I didn't work within that way that have passed on from cancer. And I also know, when I work with a lot of clients and companies, that sometimes right when we're about to start working together, something pops up. This is a version of ego for the company.

Recently, I was about to work with this company, and next thing you know, all these clients started coming their way, which is amazing, which is good. That's great, because the intention was there, that they wanted more clients, and I was going to support that. But I am also supporting the employees. He's like, "My executive team has really been really depressed this past year, and I want to lift their spirits." And it's just funny to me, a little bit, and sad. But you have to realize: When you choose to make a change, things are going to show up for you, for you. And the thing is, are you going to get to the root of it and actually continue what you feel like you know you should do? These people that had cancer, knew something was up. Did they immediately go and attack it, or did they just sit with it? They sat with it, at least the few that I worked with.

And for you, are you going to just continue? Like, "Yes, I said I want to change. Here's the change. The business is here, but my executive team, they're still flatlining depressed." Are you going to keep steam-rolling that? Because the business is showing up and something else is going right, and just steam right over the actual problem, which creates flat-lining. Or are you going to take it all and do both/and, so you can have that healthy, vibrant, creative, prosperous company?



