'Everyone has a book in them ...
But not everyone should write a book'
I remember the first time I heard someone say this and I was a bit zoned out, nodding like a donkey in agreement, until ... I actually rewound what had been said, and shook my head. What limiting, elitist, pretentious type of a conversation starter had I just stepped into? And not only that, but there were other nodding donkeys going along with all of it like it was gospel because of the mouth it was coming out of.
The first part was spot on, (that's what I had been nodding at ) and in fact, I would go farther and say, everyone has lots of books in them, and everyone absolutely 'should' write them, if they so desire. Because ... stories are meant to be shared. But the second part was absolute horse manure!
We go through so many experiences over the course of our lives and the colourFULLness of all of them is beautiful. Sometimes it doesn't feel beautiful in the moment, but colourful and beautiful nonetheless. So why would we #makeajoke about how 'some people' shouldn't write theirs? What kind of egotistical nonsense is that?
'Listen Linda' - if you want to write a book, or even have a hint of wanting to, you crack on and fill your boots! Let no one tell you you shouldn't for any reason. Not even if you have no hands, only 3 braincells, and are as illiterate as they come ... you my wonderful friend ... have lived ... therefore ... you have stories. And if you are Linda with the no hands, only 3 braincells, and completely illiterate, I would love to know how you made your way here to be reading this because ... that would definitely be story worthy!
So, now we have established that anyone who tells you you shouldn't do something is not to be listened to in any way, shape, or form, we can move on to what counts. Your story!
You have a dream ... how very Martin Luther King of you! And the dream is to become an author. I already love that for you. I love that this is something you've been pondering on, wishing for, contemplating and visioning about for ages. Maybe even since you were a kid? That's what often happens see, as kids, we have these beautiful, bold, absolutely possible dreams, and we feed them with our imaginations. We let ourselves picture what it would be like to be the thing we want to be, and if feels as if its real. Because as a kid we can make it so. We let ourselves go into that world of possibility and make believe, and we role play our magic hearts out. It's such fun! When do we lose that spirit of imagination?
Well actually, it begins to get lost as we grow up and the adults in our lives tell us its not real. Then the friends we hang out with, who also have adults in their lives telling them its not real, and versions on that theme, begin to compound that information to us that its not real. And so begins the rise ... or fall ... into the land of dis-belief, and dis-imagination. Some people can stay in that space as they grow, unwilling to believe the adults who wanted them to "put away 'childish things", but rather, truly understand that those 'childish things' are not needed to be put away but nurtured as we grow, kept as parts of ourselves and INjoyed. Imagination is genius in motion. But no one tells you that when you have your 'little' dream about becoming the next J.K Rowling, and that is indeed a sadness.
I have come to rectify all your conditioning, and to help you reconnect with your imagination, with your playFULLness, with your story telling, role playing, childish desires and dreams of what you wanted to be when you grew up, and ... to INcourage you to #jfdi!
Stories are the great connectors of people. Picture tribes sitting round fires sharing stories of their hunts, handing down wisdom from elders to their young, telling the tribe about the ancestors and their ways. Stories that live on generation after generation, which could not happen if they weren't shared in the first place.
Picture your grandparents sitting in your home, telling you stories of their childhoods or lives when they did wild things and the consequences ( negative and positive ) of their wildness. You tell those stories to your kids, and you add your own stories to them yourselves. We all do. Do you know how many stories I have shared with my son over the course of his life? 100's. And he is making memories of his own which will turn into stories for him to share too. This is such a profound circle of life and yet ... many don't think they have the right, or the ability, or the time, or the need to share their stories. Today ... I want to let you know that:
You have the right!
You have the ability!
You have the time!
And there is a need for you to share your stories.
Your vibe attracts your tribe ( I loved that the first time I heard it ), but how will your tribe ever know you are calling to them if you never tell them who you are, and how you got to be who you are?
So, today I am going to leave you with the first piece of your dream puzzle. A piece that will begin a chain of events that could change the world.
Take a piece of paper and write your top 3 memories in your life so far.
Just one sentence for each memory.
Every one of those memories has a story behind it, during it, and after it. Stories that will make my tribe laugh, cry, sit back in shock and awe, say 'NO WAY', and feel like they are with me in the colourFULLness of my life. They will also allow them to feel connected to me in a way that allows them to feel like they can connect to themselves a little deeper, and a crack will open! That crack will let a little light stream into their imagination, and their dream of sharing their own stories will wake up. If I can do that with even one person, my mission feels so complete.
And I get to do it with hundreds, thousands, people all over the world.
You can too! All you have to do is ... share your story. Who knows, it could be a book one day!
If you would like to get cracking on your story then here's a link for my ebook - INSANT AUTHOR.
Lots of love
Results-driven Marketing Expert | Unlocking Revenue Streams for Companies | Let's Supercharge Your Business
5 个月Thank you for the inspiring message. ?? Ciara Heneghan - Story Weaver