Everyone Grasps Perfection Differently
This article was originally published by "An Idea" on Medium
Realistically, we are the only Person who Expects us to Be Perfect!
The human species is relentlessly striving toward more emphasis on accomplishment and productivity. The contradiction of humans and humanity is that ever to struggle to be perfect. It affirms that we may not be at consensus, hence hinders our progress. In other words, the balance consequent to halting the inevitable growth permits innate development.
Some believe perfection is a goal, not a voyage. Because the longing to be perfect draws back, many people. It ironically threatens them to agony.
We might believe that struggling to be perfect is glamorous. But perfection implies a state of flawlessness. It is thought that Seeking perfection at a particular task such as getting excellent grades as a student might be conceivable or accomplishing a perfect job. Yet, the purpose of being perfect in life is a different tale. In contrast to the former scenario where perfection is a fate, fulfillment in life is anything but perfect!
What is Perfect and Perfectionism
Etymologically, perfect and perfection derive from the Latin word, “per facere,” or “per-factum.” The latter means; implying to a state of completion or totalization, as in that which is fulfilled or consummated. Perfectionism is frequently defined as the desire to be or seem to be excellent or to believe that it’s possible to accomplish perfection. Typically regarded as a positive attribute rather than a fault, people may use the term “healthy perfectionism” to describe or even rationalize perfectionistic attitudes.
The ideals we create are for reasonable justifications. They help us improve our imaginative endeavor and encourage us; And yet they often do the exact contrary.
The quality versus perfection is that there is a need for a mental balancing ordinance. Day in and day out, we tend to create certain subjective ideals so we can anticipate the objective we expect to attain, something that coerces us to do our biggest and generates quality endeavor. Concurrent to that, we must shield ourselves against relentless discontent when our method or result does not match this personal standard. And if we fail to master the expected balancing act, then perfection evolves into the foe of the good. And in the worse scenario, Perfectionism becomes an embargo. As in, “If I can’t work out five days a week, then I won’t work out at all.”
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Perfectionism is often seen as a positive quality that increases our chances of feat. Still, it can lead to self-defeating thoughts or attitudes that make it harder to accomplish objectives. It may also be the source of overwhelming stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
Perfect is Comparative
Philosophical Perfectionism is something quite different from its popular definition, i.e., the personality trait of realizing a compulsion to be or do things, “perfectly.” In philosophy, Perfectionism describes any belief in pursuing the best possible life, human quality, or other “highest good.” It pertains to any philosophy of ethics or politics that prioritize such goals.
None of the above scenarios imply that one can reach a state of “perfection” in common sense, because “perfection” philosophically is meaningless.
The ultimate perfect is relative, for example, in a “perfect” life or “perfect” person, somewhat, perfection compromises pursuing the “best possible,” such as values in which a “good life” means one intended for at the highest “good,” either for oneself or the world in general. As an assumption of ethics, Perfectionism, as defined above, deduces what is virtuously right and wrong; in other words, whatever serves the highest “good” is morally right.
These philosophies are divisible but incremental. You can easily be a perfectionist without being ethical or political, but not the other way around; moral and political Perfectionism assume value-perfectionism.
Types of Perfectionism
Some divide Perfectionism into absolute and relative. As the former envisions, it is the perfect one that can reach, whereas the relative perfection is the object corresponding to others. Arguably, in both scenarios, there is a factor of comparison. For example, the attainable or absolute perfection is also relative to determinants, such as the time, place, and social norms, etc.
For others, a complete perfectionist account of benevolence encompasses three discrete prerogatives. For a perfectionist, a good life is determined by the core account of what it means to be a person. Identification of the Core Capacities is essential for the perfectionist, as serves as a core account of what it means to be such a person involves a specific set of capacities, includes certain particular activities. Fulfillment of such Core Capacities on a life lived according to roles that require specific individual actions is the third of the three prerogatives.
The Non-Philosophical forms of Perfectionism are of many, and some Define it in four Categories:
External Expectations: These are not precise, things like levels of independence, kindness, or maturity. To reach ultimate perfection through external expectations, the person reaches out to the prospects of others.
Comparison: likewise, to external expectations, often reached by observing friends’ and family’s’ behaviors and actions and used them as a scale to rectify behavior and actions.
Being Scored: Many people spend their lives being scored by others in various settings such as school.
Internal Expectations- is something a person sets for themself. It is often the hardest obstacle to beat; just set the bars so high on our achievements that we cannot overcome. It often creates an overwhelming continuing vicious circle of competition with oneself.
Substantial vs. Accidental Perfection
The accidental, in a broader sense, also refers to the unexpected on a more expansive knowledge, means that on an immense erection lacks nothing due to its nature, possessing everything answering to its objectivity. It is Distinguishable from substantial perfection, whereby a thing is constituted as an existent significance.
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash
Accidental perfection, bespeaking whatever completeness accrues to the situation in a consequential manner. This latter, in turn, includes the critical properties and the common accidents added only contingently, functional perfection as well as an entitlement, and the final fulfillment of a thing, consisting of the attainment of its end or fate.
Expectation and being Perfect
In reality, we are the only person who Expects us to Be Perfect!
We are all imperfect existences, each with our own unique shortcomings, defects, and flaws. And too; many of us have “utopian” and destructive objectives that perfection is within our lethal stretch. We linger to hold on to the belief that the ideal is nearby to us if we just try harder or hide our true selves from others so others can’t see beyond our fa?ade. It’s a futile endeavor that requires a tremendous amount of stamina. Perfection rather than channeling all that energy to more positive ambitions, we use the full force of it to beat ourselves up!
Those internal expectations fuel the vicious cycle of Perfectionism and self-destruction.
Perfectionism is on the rise. There is a growing number of perfectionisms among students.
One category of Perfectionism, known as socially prescribed Perfectionism, is an external one. The latter has spiked amid social media expansion. Society is becoming increasingly competitive, glorifies shameless self-promotion, and as a result, many people always feel the need to seek social acceptance. Social Media, hence plays a central role, particularly amongst millennials.
It is not shocking that people strive toward the unrealistic expectation of the perfect world as a means of self-validation and also as a way to “fit in” amongst their comrades.
Perfectionism places stress on graduate students, impacting not only their wellbeing but also reducing the freedom and expanse to comprehend.
Perfectionism is Debilitating
We all strive to outrival at what we see as part of how we enhance our self-esteem. Accomplishing things makes us feel good, and the better we do something, the better we feel about ourselves. However, there is a threat; that- this can expand into Perfectionism, paradoxically opening the door to diminishing our self-esteem.
In socially prescribed Perfectionism, “individuals assume their social context is unduly demanding, others judge them harshly, and must display perfection to secure approval.
Perfectionism is the cause of many diseases such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation, which are only some of the mental health problems.
Objective and Subjective Components of the Perfect Scenario
Perfect is solely a subjective phenomenon because It drives from an aim to satisfy one’s innate agenda. On the other hand, objectivity is the antidote for over idealization and excess efforts that can be utterly unhealthy.
Maintaining objectivity is essential if one intends to avoid falling into the vicious circle of Perfectionism. And To do that, there comes the significance of the decision-making art, such as Breaking resolutions into smaller parts; Mitigating bias with the right set of input, establishing transparency, and feedback loops to improve future decision-making and inform others.
Humanity Collective Consciousness and Perfectionism
As discussed previously, there is no set definition for a perfect scenario. But in the philosophical sense, Perfectionism is the term used for an account of a good human life, a statement of soul human wellbeing, a moral concept. Meanwhile, it delineates political meaning. Historically, Perfectionism is correlated with ethical theories that depict human good in terms of the development of human behavior.
Photo by Sofia Kuniakina on Unsplash
Perfectionist Accounts of human welfare, are those that pursue to identify the goods that contribute to the value of human existence.
However, the variation in values is what makes the philosophical Perfectionism an open-ended discussion.
Philosophies such as Emersonian Perfectionism attempts to get a clasp on a dimension in any ethical reasoning. It is less about what to value most in life, yet more about an outline of how we come to appreciate anything in the first place. It tends to probe into the everyday quality of one’s life and the state of his essence, which is the very rudiments of what it means to be an exemplary subject.
Altruism and being Perfect
Altruism is the tenet and proper exercise of interest for the happiness of other individuals. It marks a quality of life that is both material and spiritual.
Complete altruism sees perfection in ultimate selflessness. And ultimate goal and where to stop requires a realistic yet objective formulation. Otherwise, by itself, is the source for being taken advantage of, and cause for self-burnout. Not to mention the fact that perfection based on an altruistic attitude can quickly raise external expectations and dependence.
Feeling Perfect is Self-Centered.
Individuals who seek perfection are typically sensitive to the opinions of others. These judgments are most often guessed. Everyone has an idea, but promoting someone else’s belief in the status of being a judge is ridiculous. After all, others can’t truly judge you unless you recommend upon him or her the power of being an arbitrator. The mere perfection is to exist, yet the true perfectionist never exists.
Self-centered and perfectionist may not be the same but share many traits. They both are by nature opinionated, defensive and often fail to see the big picture.
Social Norms and Perfection
The good life for human beings can manifest in two substantially different ways. On the first understanding, such an existence is construed in terms of wellbeing. The best reality for a human being is a life that goes maximally well for the person who steers it.
On the next conception, the good life for a human being is construed in terms of excellence or success. An outstanding human life could be a life that is best in tenures of wellbeing, but it does not have to be that way. And for that is possible, such an experience requires sacrifices to be made by a person’s well-being in exchange for other person deed or for other goods.
Everyone sees Perfection Differently.
Just as Humanity and Altruism come in various shapes and forms, so does the consent to bring perfection. The feeling of excellence and being perceived as complete is relative and depends on factors such as culture, environment, and norms by which one grew up and lived. That, by itself, is not merely a source of the negative upshot. What is, however, deleterious, is the lack of objectivity and setting realistic boundaries within us all. And not rely on external and internal approvals. After all-” perfect is the enemy of good”