Greg Brenner
Associate Vice President Human Resources - Talent & Organizational Development at University of Miami & The HR Dad
My daughter who is 12 came home from school the other day and proceeded to start laughing hysterically as she recounted the story of Mikey (I changed his name to protect the not so innocent). Mikey is her classmate who allegedly during science class had a brief, but powerful bout of gastrointestinal flatulence that came at the most inopportune time, as the class quieted to start an individual challenging exercise. Gastrointestinal flatulence is most commonly known as the “Fart” which is the abbreviation for Fast Action Release Technique (F.A.R.T.) and is the natural response so that your body does not spontaneously combust or even plan to combust. In other words, it’s our body’s pressure release valve and boy it is powerful for some.
To say the least, the class broke up with belly laughter, the teacher raised her brow with mild disgust, and Mikey while mildly embarrassed was at the same time a bit proud of his bold accomplishment — his smiled beamed. For others, they had to endure a loud sound but short-lived non-spa like non-lavender hibiscus lemon watermelon scent, that dissipated as quickly as it came, but added to the fun of this fast action release technique.
My daughter and I laughed so hard, mainly because of how hard she was laughing herself. I was immersed in my daughter’s Positivity and had no worry in the world at that moment. As my daughters’ story ended and we finally stopped laughing, it dawned on me that we need more F.A.R.T.s at work too! Mikey's fast action release technique worked to break down the monotony and tension due to a difficult assignment, stress levels immediately decreased with all the students and it helped my daughter earn an A even when she was nervous about the assignment. Could you see this same middle school scenario breaking out during your next team meeting or in the boardroom? I know you are reading this and thinking yep Greg has officially lost his mind. Before you pass judgment on me, hold that thought.
As I contemplated this topic more, I realized everyone farts regardless of your stature and everyone needs F.A.R.T.s more often in their day. It is one of our few common competencies as a human race. In today’s world of bitter politicalness (yes I just made that word up — let’s see if Grammarly fixes that one!), technology that is moving at the speed of light which makes us scared that Alexa is going to take our jobs, then add the added stress a lot of people are feeling at work and home, just to keep up. I feel ya. We need something to give us a break, refocus us and send us back on the right track. Wouldn’t a F.A.R.T. help? (Of course it would just not on a plane or the elevator please for very obvious reasons.)
A F.A.R.T. can stop us in our tracks in more ways than one, we laugh, it breaks the stress and it refocuses us. The cool thing is, it's all scientific and not just the Fart part! When we laugh and are having fun it releases serotonin, nor-epinephrine and dopamine which all affects our minds and our moods which includes great happiness when those levels are high, to depression when those levels are too low. A F.A.R.T. can create real laughter which releases those chemicals in our brains and in turn changes our state of mind to a positive one.
There are theory’s out there that the more you have fun, the better you perform on the field if you are an athlete or in the office at work. If you are interested in learning more about this theory that athletes play better when having fun check out Steve Peter’s work The Chimp Paradox.
F.A.R.T.s as a Competitive Advantage
As we mature (cough cough) we begin to take ourselves so seriously that we forget that the daily grind and journey is the fun part. We certainly can’t be pulling a Mikey in the boardroom. However, we need to find ways to have some fast action release techniques that are accepted by the professional masses. While The Chimp Paradox teaches us the more we have fun, the better we play, there are other theories out there to build on this concept like Professor/Researcher/Author Barbara Fredrickson’s The Broaden and Build Theory of Positive Emotions that support real benefits to Positivity which is a great outcome of F.A.R.T.’s.
The Work Benefit – Employees Problem Solve and Learn
Fredrikson’s theory (linked below) dates back to the early 2000’s and still holds true today. The study shows Positivity increases intellectual capabilities such as problem-solving skills and the ability to learn new information. Under the work context, what CEO, leader or manager does not want a bunch of employees running around who can problem solve and learn? While those might be huge wins for an organization what about the other value-added benefits from this Positivity Theory? The other benefits are it helps us develop strength and cardio health, helps us make new bonds and gives us optimism and resilience, plus it helps give us a sense of identity. All powerful results just from interjecting Positivity into our work and the environment around us.
Forget the Theory — Give Me the Numbers
Tired of the warm and fuzzy HR fluff? Yeah, me too, pound on the desk and chant—we want the numbers and metrics, we want the numbers and metrics just like Arby’s has the MEATS! Well, here you go, check out the company Salesforce. They were the #1 Best Company to Work For in 2017, on glassdoor 88% of employees recommend a friend to work there, 97% of the raters approve of their CEO Marc Benioff. Oh yea, you still want your numbers, here they are — Over 8,000,000,000 dollars in revenues, that is an 8 with a Capital B and that ain’t chimp change. Check out Salesforces' Ohana song (linked below). (Photo credit from salesforce.com)
You know they are a positive company when they made their own company song. Positivity at the highest levels seems to be at the core of their success. Salesforce has to do the regular business stuff well and solve a problem for consumers which is probably a result of their Ohana—which translates to family. Still feeling my article is about the warm and fuzzy, the fluffy stuff and F.A.R.T.s? Positivity and a bit of fun are part of what we need to be successful at work, home and beyond, it has been researched and proven.
Being Positive at Work is Good for You, Your Employer and Your Family
Finding ways to laugh as adults and professionals, to have fun like you were in that 12-year-old's class again where a fart stops you dead in your tracks and it releases all those good chemicals in your brain. We can see how this can be so beneficial to you and the people around you. If you allow yourself to laugh and have some fun, you enable that brief mental break to recharge your brain. Furthermore, Positivity gives you the energy to get you back to what you were doing as you deliver the goods at the highest levels. Additionally, your Positivity is 100% contagious. Why don’t we practice it more?
The Challenge
Don't we all have that inner child in us that thinks F.A.R.T.s, burps or when we trip on our own is hysterical? Can we stop putting duct tape around our inner spirit even in this "adult world" we are in? Can we let that kid out once in a while to have some fun in the middle of the day. You will be amazed at what you can do and produce beyond your wildest dreams, while doing it with Positivity. The challenge is, can we learn to laugh again, at ourselves, with each other, at home, work, at life?
How about this novel idea, can we have Positivity and belly laughter together, even when we have political differences or have unique thoughts about this privileged journey we are given or how we raise a family—or are we too full of ourselves, too serious, too negative, too bitter, too into my way is the only way without compromise, that we have stopped to care or show care for each other? Science proves to us the wonderful outcomes that can be achieved personally and together by creating Positivity and having a little fun while doing what we do.
Let's cut right to the cheese please! Can we have fun again and at the same time create community and awesomeness around us? I am doing my part with this article and with the daily work I am fortunate to do with my Tribe, who I absolutely adore because they live by this can do spirit. I think we can meet the challenge, do you? If you are up for some Positivity and the benefits it brings please leave your comments below on how you are up for this challenge or have already conquered it. Feel free to forward this article to a friend who needs to be part of this movement—the F.A.R.T. challenge!
See you next Sunday.
Onward and up!
Positivity Theory https://www.unc.edu/peplab/publications/Fredrickson_AmSci_English_2003.pdf
Salesforce Ohana Song https://youtu.be/g80dO8nfCMQ.
These are my thoughts and not those of my employer.
Associate Vice President Human Resources - Talent & Organizational Development at University of Miami & The HR Dad
6 年Here is the right video link from Salesforce
Helping Great Leaders Move The World: Platform development and publishing consultant; author of 30 books on leadership
6 年OMG!!!! Thanks so much for the laugh!!! I love your humor, combined with facts, and your use of photos!! The best!
Associate Vice President Human Resources - Talent & Organizational Development at University of Miami & The HR Dad
6 年Oleg Vishnepolsky?Some Sunday Fun Reading for you.