Not for Everyone
At the start of my career I was a run of the mill SAP consultant, a jack of all trades. Exactly like your day-to-day Sauvignon blanc grape. Yet I happend to end up in France and not New Zeeland. There?put my roots down on the beautiful hills of Bergerac.?At some point I was mature enough to be harvested. I got squeeze to reveal my essence, an intense but not entirely unpleasant experience. Because this happend at the VanDenBend winery I was placed not in a steel tank, or oak but in an Acacia barrel. I’m the SAP version of Acacia.?
When you’re unique, doubt wil find you. Did I go down the wrong path? Will there be a need for my skills? Life offers only dire certainties, death and tax. Not very uplifting. The excitement and opportunities lie exactly in the uncertainties. In the dynamic mix of technological developments and changing market conditions. In that uncertainty I can lay my doubts to rest. And trust that in the vastness of the world there is a place for my personal flavour of SAP FiCo consultancy. And I realize being Acacia is not for everyone. And that’s fine too.
Of course I have quite a lot in common with other SAP consultant if compared to a lawyer or brick layer or a teacher. And I have even more in common with my fellow SAP FiCo consultants. We’re all white wine from the varietal Sauvignon Blanc. Finding my niche also meant that I diverged from the ‘sameness’ of my fellow FiCo consultants. When I dive into the particularities of my?craft I realize that we have more difference than things in common. A consultant that has worked mainly in the public sector has a completely different life that one who has worked mostly in retail. The great contradiction is that I’m happy in my niche but at times I experience a sense of loneliness. I know it’s inherent to my specialisation. And I also realize that that is not for everyone.?
And along with my specialisation I’ve also cultivated my own style, and formulated my methods and principles. I’ve creation of my own rituals and superstitions. I’ve aged like Sauvignon Blanc in an Acacia barrel.?An amazing experience, but not for everyone.
If you choose your own path then loneliness and doubt are your inevitable companions
Till next time