Everyone else knows how to run your life except you
Oluwayemisi Ojo
Training & Educational Consulting |Bullish on Africa| Writing #sanitystop ??
When we watch our life running haywire sometimes, we might tend to leave it on autorun, you know, The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, ... nor wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all (Ecclesiastes 9:10) My response to that has always been the verse before it;
Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working, nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
IIf you are a living breathing human living with me in this world at the moment, letting your life run on autopilot is an extreme sport. This is why I advocate for planning. Hardly can you motivate your way into a better life. I wish you could, but we are a habitual living thing, driven as slaves by the habits we tie ourselves to, brief moments of motivation are not sustainable to live a life on.
?Self-discipline will get you farther than trusting your motivation to get you anywhere. But how do you become self-disciplined? By constantly showing up. How do you constantly show up when not motivated? By designing yourself to show up? How do you do that? By curating your life in a kind of way. How do you curate your life? By planning. Sitting down to think how best you want to walk this life's way.
We plan not because we are perfect and have everything figured out, but because we are not perfect and would like to have some things figured out. I think people underestimate the humility it takes to plan. I am sitting down to do the arduous work of strategising how I'd like to live my life. For a few days. A few months. A year. Two...
Planning is confronting a great odd of failure but not despairing regardless. When I tell people my plans don't often come through. What I meant is that they don't come through with the details. Not the intentions. Not the hard work I put in to build the habits supporting my plans, and not how it shapes my life to show up every day. All of that works. What does not often work is the details.
Detail is not the most important thing. What you want is a design that gets you up to do something. Not a design where you finally say I got it the way I wanted it.? Planning means that we are humble enough to acknowledge our own smallness as humans. It is trying for control but knowing we can't get all that control. That's what's beautiful about having plans. It is not just living on motivation. But trying.
I do not advocate for the extremes. Some people want to let things be. Let things happen. I do not advocate for such careless life. Because it means we are afraid to give a proper stewardship of our time and life. If we don't have any design to measure outcomes, we can not hold ourselves to the responsibilities of our humanity. That's careless. It's quite too safe a way to live. Without expectations. Waiting for surprises.
And I do not advocate for blindness in planning. A kind of conviction that everything will go our way and we will be happy ever after. That's a first step towards hallucination, and as I have learnt, is another step towards disaster. We want to live in-between having the courage to make plans and the humility to watch them fail, picking them up again and trying. If nothing works, we would have been a better person in the sense of exercising our discipline. If anything fails, we would have attempted our best to nurture discipline In the areas of our lives we want it.
It does not matter how much I watch my plans fail. I am going to make new ones. I am going to fill my daily schedule with plans for what I will do for the day. I am going to go all out with this madness. Not closing my mind to alternatives, but definitely having a plan for where I want to go. I will design my wonder. If another wonder by chance falls on my lap when I am trying, I'd latch on to it with child like joy. And it wouldn't make me stay there wondering if wonders will keep coming to me or I should walk towards it by planning.
I hope wonders walk towards me. But I'm not giving it too many choices because I am also walking towards wonder. Albeit partially blind, I am walking towards wonder.
But this is me, and this might look like a rather direct instruction for living, a quite direct criticism of your life if you do not live like that. I do not disagree. Remember, everyone else knows how to run your life except you. I am an interested audience who wants to pass something on, I do not sit in the driver's seat of your life. You do.
A fellow wayfarer.