Everyone is created equal (but some are more equal than others...)

Everyone is created equal (but some are more equal than others...)

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last couple of months you will be familiar with the so called "Partygate" scandal.

Our glorious leader Boris Johnson, has been found guilty of breaking the COVID lockdown rules that he and his team had just announced!

People are calling for his resignation for one of 2 reasons:

Breaking the rules that others were obeying

Misleading (political speak for lying) the rest of parliament about his knowledge of these breaches.

So the basic premise is that we have a group of people in power who feel that their position of privilege means they are not subject to the same rules and regulations as us mere mortals.

What amazes me is that anyone is surprised by this.

Research shows that those in high places feel that they can get away with things that would give most of us sleepless nights.

Studies have shown that people driving expensive cars are less likely to stop for pedestrians, more likely to speed or run a red light than those in more affordable transportation.

Back in 2012 seven different studies showed that so called "upper class" individuals are more likely to behave unethically than their lower class counterparts.

These behaviors included unethical decision making tendencies, taking valued goods from others, lying in negotiations, cheating to increase their chances of winning a prize and endorsing unethical behaviors at work.

Sounds like a regular day in Parliament!

But hasn't it always been the case that there is one set of rules for Joe Public and a different set for the powers that be?

Research has also shown that the "upper classes" are less aware of others, find it difficult to understand how other people feel, value their own welfare over the welfare of others and are more likely to have a positive attitude towards greed.

Not exactly the skill set you want in the people you are going to entrust with running the country.

Yet that is exactly what we keep doing.

Boris and his crew seem to suffer from most if not all of these characteristics so why should we be surprised by Partygate or any other scandal?

But let's not be too hard on them.

They can't help it.

How can you expect them to shake off a life time of doing exactly what they want just because they broke a few "minor" laws?

We need to recognize that we are destined to this kind of behavior if we keep electing the same kind of person.

Admittedly the current incumbent is the worst and most blatant example we have experienced for some time, but the others have just been a little better at hiding it.

I know what you are thinking. Why don't we elect someone from a different social class and they will be different?

Sadly there is some evidence to the contrary.

One of the big American universities gave a random group of students cars so they could drive around campus.

Whilst everyone was driving economy cars all was well.

People were polite and by and large obeyed the traffic regulations.

Then a select few were given luxury cars to drive. They were also chosen to represent a mixture of socio-economic groupings.

Almost immediately behaviors began to change. Those with the more expensive cars started to drive more recklessly, often speeding, not using their indicators and refusing to stop for pedestrians at crossing points.

So perhaps it's not the individuals that are to blame (well not completely). Perhaps we need a completely new form of governing and leadership.

What would that be?

I wish I had the answer to that question. But I am confident that the system of electing leaders from a small number of elitist members of society to rule over the masses has long outlived it's usefulness, and if we can find a better solution that's something worth having a party over!

If you would like to find out if your leadership style is engaging your team, take a look at this video:



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