Everyone Cares...
But today's question is "what do you care about?"
Let's take it to an even deeper level... how does what you care about fit into what you do? How does it factor into your success? How does it factor into your quality of life?
Somewhere there is a job that you know you would hate to do. But right now, there is someone doing it that is really happy. We all have different interests, desires, dreams, and wishes. We all have things we love and hate. We all have things we care about.
If you hate putting your hand in someone's mouth then being a dentist is probably not a career choice that would bring you happiness. Hate numbers? Then being a CPA would probably not be a good career choice. Hate people and sales might be a challenging career. But we all have things that make us happy. Take me for instance...
I love being a loan officer, helping people achieve the American dream of homeownership by helping them get their financing. Nothing makes me feel better than closing day, the excited look on the buyer's face and knowing I made a difference in the lives of their family. Plus I get to do math, solve the puzzles of the loan process, and am able to provide for my family as well, all by helping others.
Guess what? Being happy at work means I come home happy, I relax more, and the quality of my life is high. Yes, there are stressful moments in time, but overall I love my job and that translates into my personal life. So if you are trying to lead a happy life I think you start with the question of what you care about. If you find a career that aligns with the things you care about you are far more likely to be happy.
So if you want the secret to happiness at work... you now know my theory. Take what you care about and find a career that lets you focus on those things.