Everyone is born a leader

Everyone is born a leader

Good leadership is what all good businesses claim to aspire to. When you think of good leadership, words like ethical leadership, morals, and values come to mind. But what is good leadership?

Can you teach it? Are you born with it? I know how business management and leadership courses describe and define leadership. But what is it really, in simple terms?

I think, and this is in no way based on scientific research or any research at all, true leadership is based on how you treat others. This is my opinion and it's just based on my observations of how people behave when they are those they see as their equal, those they think less of, and those they look up to.

Every one of us can be a leader wherever we are, in whatever position we hold. True leadership starts when you realise that you are responsible for your own choices and you're willing to face the consequences of those choices you make.

When you understand the power of your choices you'll make better decisions. Instead of waiting to be told what to do, you will do what needs to be done, even if your boss is a mean little twit with an overinflated ego and self-esteem issues. You will do your job, not because anyone is watching but because you're committed to it. The unpleasant truth is that no matter how much of an arse someone is, you have no control over their attitude and behaviour. You choose how you'll respond to mean, vindictive, immature, petty "managers" who are more hung up on the title than actually leading the team. A true leader knows how to control their emotions, especially when being provoked.

Your position, title, or status does not automatically make you a leader. Your behaviour and your attitude do. Having a position of authority does not entitle you to abuse or belittle those you are in charge of. It just shows how weak and ineffectual you are, not only as a manager but as a person. And you don't deserve the title or the position. If you truly want to bring out the best in people, treat them with dignity and respect. Instead of posting messages of kindness, act it, live it, and express it. Daily posts of kindness will not change a single thing until you become the face of kindness yourself. Real kindness is not a photo opportunity. Just do the right thing, without letting the world know about it. Knowing that you've changed someone's day should be rewarding enough if you're since.

True leaders understand not everyone is your friend, and not everyone is your enemy. They trust their instincts when they know how to interact with people. They understand that you can deeply detest someone and yet treat that person with respect. They are clear on their boundaries and set high standards for their friendships and whom they allow in their private spaces. They are not afraid to stand alone because they understand that sometimes their strength lies in their solitude and their principles.

It's wonderful to be loved and liked. But leaders are not afraid to have unpopular opinions, they understand that life is not a popularity contest. They live by their own rules of authenticity, integrity, honesty, and a deeply personal and strong moral code. They are prepared to stand by their convictions and in their truth. They don't live to impress, they live to make a difference regardless if anyone is noticing. As long as their moral code is upheld and their standards are met, the opinion of others doesn't matter. They don't seek approval, they don't ask permission, and they just live their lives to the best of their abilities.

A true leader is driven by the desire to become better every day. They are always willing to learn new things, embrace change, and constantly look for ways to improve themselves and the way things are done. They are open-minded enough to see things from a different perspective, yet single-minded in their pursuit of their vision. They have the ability to inspire, motivate and uplift, you will feel better just by being in their presence.

We all have the ability to be leaders, but the question is how willing are we to step into that role? In your workplace, your community, and most importantly, in your family. You have the power to lead every single day but do you see the opportunity? You don't automatically become a leader when you get a position to manage people. You become a leader when you do what is required when it is required. You become a leader when assessing a situation and coming up with solutions; when you do the right thing even when nobody's watching.

We are all born leaders but some just choose to be followers because being a leader can be uncomfortable, inconvenient, and intimidating. But if you're always following without thinking, what kind of life are you living? There are times that as a leader you must be willing to follow, but you must always ask, what are you following, and who are you obeying?

A true leader understands the balance and importance of being both a leader and a follower. It's in finding that balance that true inspiration and power lie.


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