Everyone belongs
The need to belong is an intrinsic motivation for all human beings. By belonging to a group, we feel as if we are a part of something bigger and more important than ourselves.???
As business leaders, we have a responsibility to foster cultures within our organisations that establish awareness and transform mindsets, behaviours, and practices to create and sustain a diverse, equitable and inclusive (DEI) environment, where our people feel a sense of belonging and shared purpose. Not only is it the right thing to do, but there are also benefits to us as an organisation and the work we deliver for NSW electricity consumers.??
The business case for DEI is well proven. Countless studies have shown that workplaces that embrace DEI perform better, make better decisions, and experience greater profitability. Inclusive companies are almost twice as likely to be considered innovation leaders in their market, organisations with diversity in senior positions have higher financial performance, and a sense of belonging is the top driver of employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention.??
At AEMO Services, we unite brilliant minds from all walks of life. Our values and company culture reflect inclusivity, integrity, empowerment, empathy, and collaboration and our policies and processes embrace, value, and make use of DEI in our leadership and workforce.??
This diversity fosters greater innovation and creativity, provides wider perspectives and skills to enhance business decision-making, and creates a happier, more engaged, and productive working environment.??
Actively incorporating DEI in the workplace is crucial to organisational success. It requires organisation-wide effort and commitment to creating a culture that embraces and celebrates DEI. At AEMO and AEMO Services, we:?
As a relatively new organisation, AEMO Services has been intentional in our organisational design and planning to build a company culture that fosters a sense of belonging and makes everyone feel like they are a valued part of the team. For us, it is about having the right people in the right role and setting people up for success by removing as many barriers as possible to enable qualified and suitable people from diverse backgrounds to join and contribute to our team. We draw out diverse perspectives and build on them, so we get better ideas, question assumptions, identify blind spots, develop innovative approaches, and create better solutions. As a result, we have seen massive team innovation, performance, and growth.???
DEI is important, not only because it is fair and the right thing to do, but because it also contributes to a positive workplace culture, greater innovative capacity, and improved company performance. While I am proud of how our organisation embraces DEI, there is always room for improvement. We are committed to investing time and effort into improving DEI to help facilitate positive change and demonstrate industry best practice.???
About the author?
Paul Verschuer, Executive General Manager?
Paul leads AEMO Services, a subsidiary of the Australian Energy Market Operator.??
Prior to joining AEMO Services in June 2021, Paul spent more than 35 years in senior governance and management roles across the financial, government and energy sectors. This includes working with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Westpac, the Commonwealth Treasury and NSW Treasury.?
About AEMO Services
AEMO Services has been appointed as the NSW Consumer Trustee, giving us a central role in coordinating long-term planning and investment in energy generation, storage and transmission in New South Wales. In our foundational role as the NSW Consumer Trustee, we are helping bring to life the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap by planning and facilitating long-term investment in the network through an ongoing competitive tender process, while monitoring and mitigating financial risks to consumers.
For more information on AEMO Services, visit https://aemoservices.com.au/ or?subscribe here to join our mailing list for updates.
Important notice: The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and may not reflect the opinions or views of the Consumer Trustee and will not constrain any discretion the Consumer Trustee may have. This publication is for information purposes only. This publication is not intended to provide any advice or imply any recommendation or opinion constituting advice. This publication may include assumptions about future policy outcomes and generalisations. It may not include important qualifications, details, or legal requirements. AEMO Services does not guarantee the accuracy, currency or completeness of any information contained in this document and (to the maximum extent permitted by law) will not accept responsibility for any loss caused by reliance on it. This document is not a substitute for obtaining professional advice. ?