In the end the one thing that will never fail you is the reps you put in, the things you sacrifice to be better.
It's as simple as adding 1+1, then doing it again.
And again.
With time that 1+1 turns into 10, then 100, then 1000.
Specially the hours you spend becoming who you want to be, when no one's looking. It is too easy to get lost in the hubris of external praise and gratification, what no one will see is all the long nights and early mornings.
The time you spend bettering yourself will create exponential grow over time.
You will embark in your longest voyages one step at a time, because that's really all it takes.
Just one step, once you build enough momentum you won't think twice about taking that step, in fact you won't even think about it. You'll just do it, it will become part of your nature.
It will be one of your most primal instincs.
Why daily?
Because what truly counts isn't if you do what needs to be done when you feel like it, what matters is if you do it when you don't feel like it, when you wish for nothing else than to avoid that "grueling" task, however simple it might be.
If you give yourself the opportunity you will rationalise every excuse known to man to avoid doing what you need to do, to avoid fullfilling your duty to yourself.
That's exactly why you must not think, all you need to follow is the path of action. To get up and go for as long as it takes, despite how you feel that day.
In spite of yourself.
Life's nothing than a series of daily battles, everyday you're given the choice to either win or surrender into compliancy.
That's where DISCIPLINE enters.
Discipline will determine either if you succeed or if you fail, the irony of it all is that discipline requires no thought, just action. Once you free yourself from the shackles of chaos and doubtfulness you'll be free.
Once you're free there's nothing humanly possible that can stop you.
Choose freedom, every day.
No matter the cost, no matter how much it hurts to wake up before sunrise to put work in, no matter how good it feels to stay in bed just 5 more minutes.
Get up and get to work, do not let yourself down. For there's no greater loss than a life lived submitted to your self-imposed limitations.
It is not life, it is mere existence.
As Jocko Willink says:
"The only person you can control is you. So focus on making yourself who you want to be"
So ask yourself: Who do you want to be?