Everyday I do something...
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Everyday I do something...

Everyday I do something for my body, either gym, run, swim or ride.

Everyday I do something for my mind, either read, study, listen to a podcast or simply give my heads ten minutes to stop.

Everyday I do something for my kids, daily stuff, make dinner, kiss them goodnight, hug them in the morning, make sure they are ok.

Everyday I do something for my hubby, make his lunch, kiss him goodbye and hello, ask him how his day was, small things that mean much to him.

Everyday I also try to earn money to keep our dream alive, some days I do well, some days it feels like a trudge uphill in muddy boots but the sheer drive and consistent effort somehow prevails.

Everyday I do something that makes me happy, so I tend to my garden, pull out the weeds, water the veggies, harvest the bounty it gifts us.

This is a story about balance, it’s about making space for yourself, your family, your mind, your happiness and that sometimes weeds grow.

We went away for a week and the rain watered the garden, but it also watered the weeds. This morning after my gym session I tended the patch and found two things. Lots of weeds but also an abundance of new fruit taking form.

This shows me that sometimes things need to be given space to grow but that weeds creep in regardless of whether you’re watching or not. A constant vigilance with a mindfulness to let things naturally happen creates the best results.

If you are just getting back into the swing of things today, there may be weeds, but remind yourself that in the break you will have rested and grown and so will have everyone else around you. Relish in the shift. Pluck the weeds and have a cracking harvest.

#unpacking #lifelessons #youshouldreadthisbook #books #selfhelp #makespace #make2021awesome


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