Everyday God thinks of you & looks after you
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
First of all, I have already started believing that God has left our beloved Earth a long time ago due to our inhuman crimes against each other and the innocent creatures but even if he is peeping at us from some far-fetched corner of our universe he is probably not thinking about us and being judgmental about our actions. He is mostly wondering “How do I bring peace and serenity to planet earth? What have they done to this once so beautiful planet?”As per statistics, 7.6 billion are Homo sapiens, 8.7 millions are living species out of which 1–2 millions are animal species. It must be tiresome for god to think about each and everyone.
It depends on which god you are talking about. There are so many and each one is followed by devoted followers who insist their’s is the one “true god.” Somewhere in scripture it says “My kingdom has many mansions.” This tells me that it doesn’t matter if you’re a good person, what god you believe in isn’t important as long as you do the right thing. A preacher would send me to the fires for saying that. Fortunately, preachers aren’t in charge.
God loves me with all his heart. He knows everything about me and still loves me and he cannot wait for me to get to wherever he is because I am critical to the success of his plan for the universe. God is love and when I get there I will add to the sum of his love. As a rational man I know that it’s likely God doesn’t exist and religion is hogwash, nevertheless, I choose to believe. I choose it. One cannot know the mind of God, whether one believes or not, so my answer is purely speculative.
If God considers each of us equally, then he devotes about 1.2 microseconds of his time each day to me. But, y’know, omnipotent being that he is, that probably is all he needs. If God is going to judge me by the standards of the Old Testament, then I fall way short. I don’t know how many of the Levitical rules I have broken, but it must be nearly all of them. In terms of the Ten Commandments I fare rather better; I hardly ever covet my neighbour’s donkey, although I have looked sidelong at his ox a couple of times.
If God is going to judge me by the standards of the New Testament, then I probably do a fair bit better. In general I consider myself kind to others. I have good moral standards of right and wrong. I have done a fair bit of charity work in my time. I worry about the environment and the future. I try to treat people as I would hope they would treat me. If God is going to judge me by the standards of my contemporaries, then I think I am on pretty safe ground. I don’t spread hatred. I don’t exhort people to blow themselves up or murder other people in the name of God. I don’t peddle drugs or indulge in extortion or torture or genocide. I don’t beat my spouse or my kids, or other people. I don’t steal. If God is going to be upset with people doing wrong, he surely has bigger fish to fry than me.
You might think I feel pretty good about how God sees me. However, that isn’t right. Just the other day I bought a movie on "Blu-Ray". The money I spent on that movie (which is of course a luxury, not a necessity by any means) would have fed a family of four reasonably well, even in my developed country. Are there people going hungry in my town (not in some other country far away)? Yes. Do I help them? No. Well, maybe I give my old clothes and furniture to charity shops. But when I went to buy that movie, it didn’t cross my mind that there might be people, even a few streets away, who might be glad of that money, and it certainly didn’t cross my mind to do without the movie and instead find those people to help them.
So it could be argued, overall, that I am extremely selfish. Instead of actually helping people, I give what I can spare—sometimes. Overall, this is better than nothing, and I certainly wouldn’t attempt to take anything away from poorer people. But is that really living the way God wants? I am not actually sure it is. Could God legitimately tell me I am worse than most other people? I don’t honestly think so. But do I do all I can to help others? Not by a long chalk. Cheers!