Everybody Wants to Feel Important!
Everybody Wants to Feel Important!! when people feel that they are important, they become more engaged in what they are doing and care more about doing better in the future.
Isn't it true? No matter what we do in an organization, we want to feel valued. We spend half of our lives at work. We all want a job which gives us satisfaction at the end of the day. Life is too short to continue with a job you dislike or with a manager who takes you for granted.
Too many of us are hanging with a job where we are not being valued. Still, we convince ourselves that we can stay in a job that makes us unhappy because we need the income or because we don’t believe we can find another job.
I know, change is scary, but there are really great positions, great companies out there. Know your worth. I know, the current situation will try to make you think otherwise. But believe me, your value does not decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth. You deserve so much better!