"Everybody is special"
?? Tough love time
Yes we are all unique, Yes each one has to play to their strengths. But when does being unique transformed into forcing people to give you preferential treatment? Why do we expect people to treat us different because we are unique?
I come from a country where we don't have many of the cultural issues that we face in the US. My heart and soul goes to each and every person that is suffering from any kind of discrimination and attack from someone else.
I haven't experienced it here, or may be I did, but I didn't registered it as such. I think there was a story about the indigenous tribes, back when Columbus was coming with the 3 ships to colonize America, they never saw the ships coming, they didn't know what it was, it wasn't part of their reality.
May be for me it was the same experience.
May be people had treated me differently.
May be people had been racist towards me because I'm latino.
May be people had laughed behind my back due to my imperfect english.
But you know what? I DIDN'T NOTICE.
The lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of the sheep. Because I know my worth, I know I'm special.
I've earned my way through life, in Argentina, and here in the US.
I'm proud to have the friends I have.
I'm blessed to have the most amazing woman by my side.
I'm humbled when I see others rise up to the challenge.
So here's my hand to each and everyone of you, take it! and lets change our reality!