Everybody Has A Story, Let it Out
There’s something uniquely special about each one of us. We all have a story. Some of us keep it bottled up, while some of us freely let it out. The manner in which we express ourselves and tell our stories comes in so many different forms, singing, writing, paintings, spoken-word, artwork, crafts, etc. A few days ago at my grandson Noah’s High School graduation party, I had the privilege of chatting with Nancy Gebhart and some of her art student-friends. Y’all should’ve seen their faces light up when they were each telling me their particular favorite style of art. It’s inspiring to see people excited about their passion and connecting with others in their own unique, creative way. My daughter Randie connected with people through her love of books and literacy. For me personally, expressing myself through writing is such a great healer and a much-needed outlet. Indeed, there’s a story in all of us. What’s your story? Let it out.
Side Note: Photo (of Nancy Gebhart and her friends) taken on May 26, 2024 next to the Little Free Library (which is dedicated in honor of Dr. Randie Danielle Camp) at Moore Memorial Park in Ames, Iowa.? – Randolph Randy Camp