Is everybody (currently) more stressed?

Is everybody (currently) more stressed?

In the last few weeks, I have noticed that more and more people around me have a short fuse, seem to react quite strongly or become impolite or even rude in circumstances which don't seem to warrant these reactions or are permanently tired and worn out - overwhelmed by work and life.

I know that we all look at the world differently and as such, have a different perception. I checked with a few people to see if it's ME - and so far, found out that this is omnipresent in business and personal space too.?

What is your view? I'm curious….I'd love to hear from you in the comments.?

This could be WHY

?I pondered about it and spoke to several people and here are some potential explanations:

  1. Our world is becoming increasingly complex - unless we choose to, there is hardly any downtime to recharge and give our brain & soul a break. And neither our brains nor our bodies are made for constant stimulation.
  2. Most people DO??- objectively - have far too much to do and make an effort to deal with everything, which is literally impossible. Saying NO is tricky for many (hello people pleasers ;-)), and so hustling and exhaustion prevails.
  3. Lack of resilience when the going gets tough. Things tend to go wrong from time to time. And sometimes often. The calmer I get through my constant "work" on myself (an occupational hazard in my job), the more I notice what and how quickly the physical stress response kicks in with people and how little tools they have to deal with it.
  4. People don't even notice that they are stressed out as this has crept into their lives step by step, and it seems "normal" by now. It still creates havoc in life and the body.?
  5. As much as I frowned at astrology in the past, whatever happens energetically in this universe seems influenced by how people behave … even the weather does! Currently, it looks like tons is happening in the universe??- think solar flares and their impact on tech - which affect us too (hey - it's about time we start accepting that not everything is facts, figures and logic but some influences which we might not be able to grasp scientifically (yet).?

Bit of a conundrum though, right??

As we can't change (most of ) the outside factors.?

The uncomfortable truth

And here is something that might rub you the wrong way: We are ALL creating our stress ourselves.?

Ouch. Nobody else nor the world around us is responsible per se for how we feel.

Don't get me wrong: NOBODY can completely escape external influences.?

I just had this conversation with my daughter today. I like to apply the 80/20 rule here: I consciously make sure that I don't allow the majority of stuff (the 80%) to impact me and still leave open that I might get triggered by repetitive things going wrong (or people….) or old stuff I have not dealt with properly (whatever kind of insecurities or anxieties).?BUT - how we deal with it, is up to each and every one of us.?

For me, that's an empowering thought. It opens possibilities to help myself feel good (or at least better) even when things are crazy.?

And everybody can learn HOW to do that. I did.

So now what?

Want to know the ins and outs (and not just the usual tips you can read everywhere on the internet)?

Stay tuned - I will talk about and SHOW you things that work.

Or get in touch in case you're in a hurry to change something NOW. Happy to help.?


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