Every tone. Every tint.
Holi brings into perspective the different colors since holi is connected to spring. Here's some fun with colors that I want to bring to your attention. These fun facts can be helpful to you not only professionally but also personally.
1. Men and women see colors differently. Men don't grasp much of color shades and their differences like women do.
2. Pink color is not just about women. It actually helps soothe nerves and is a good color for anger management.
3. Blue is the most favorite color worldwide.
4. Blue is the favorite color of mosquitos too!
5. The color wheel was introduced by Issac Newton in 1665.
6. Goethe added a psychological aspect into the way we see colors.
7. Red having the longest wavelength - it is the first color that a baby sees. No wonder most toys have bright red color.
8. Black and White colored objects are easier to forget.
9. Till the Middle Ages, green color was seen as a color of inconsistency and betrayal.
10.. The grey that you see when light is turned off is called "eigengrau"