Every time you look into the Future, it changes. It changes because you looked into it and that changes everything else......

The word Magic is being taken from Old French word ,Magique, which has been deduced from Latin ,Magicus, from the Greek adjective ,Magikos, simillarly 'Sorcery' is being taken from Old French Sorcerie meaning, 'One who Influences Fate'. Magick is the alleged art and science of causing change in accordance with the will by non-physical means. All kinds of paranormal and occult phenomena is related with Magic for example like the psychic healing, the cabala and chakras. It is being used various symbols such as the pentagram in magic as well as a variety of symbolic ritual behaviors aimed at achieving powers which allows to contravene the laws of physics, chemistry and metaphysics etc. Magick should not be confused with Magic which is the art of invocation and illusions.

 Sir James George Frazer, in his monumental work on religion and kingship ,The Golden Bough, explained his famous principles of sympathetic magic in most detail (3rd edition, 1911-1915). Heir to the eighteenth-century Positivist assumption of “laws” governing nature and society, Frazer said that Sympathetic Magic is based on the metaphysical belief that like affects like. Sympathetic magic is the basis for most forms of divination. The lines, shapes and patterns in entrails, stars, thrown dirt, folded paper, the palm of the hand (the longer the lifeline, the longer the life), etc., are believed to be magically connected to the empirical world--past, present and future. It is also the basis for such practices as sticking needles into figurines representing enemies, as is done in Voodoo. The pins and needles stuck in a doll are supposed to magically cause pain and suffering in the person the doll represents), was of two types…………….

“Homeopathic” magic works according to the “law of similarity"-things or actions that resemble other things or actions have a causal connection. “Contagious? magic obeys the “law of contact"-things that have been either in physical contact or in spatial or temporal association with other things retain a connection after they are separated. Frazer is rightly credited for his detailed explication of sympathetic magic and his collection of numerous examples from world ethnology. But ideas of causality based in similarity and contact had been expressed by philosophers since Classical times (e.g., Hippocrates), were integral to the medieval and Renaissance Hermetic systems (e.g., Paracelsus), and had been noted, and dismissed as lazy thinking, by Francis Bacon in his Novum Organum (1608-1620). Scholars recognize that magical principles are intertwined with and complementary to religious ritual. Indeed, ideas of “luck” and “jinx” are magical concepts.

Primitive/ Old concepts of Magic, Spirituality/ Divinity:

The religions based on the Old and New Testaments have long associated magic with false prophets or diviners based upon the belief that Satan regularly exhibits his powers to and shares them with humans through demons. Using powers which contravene natural forces is good if done by or through a god (white magic), according to this view. Such exhibitions of divine power are called miracles. If done by diabolical forces, it is evil (black magic).

For those contemplating becoming a magus consider this warning from an authority on the subject:…….....Magical Ritual (or any magic or occultism) is very dangerous for the mentally unstable. If you should somehow 'get out too far', eat 'heavy foods' . . . and use your religious background or old belief system for support. But remember too, that weird experiences are not necessarily bad experiences. On the other hand, weird experiences are not necessarily good, either. The magic of Performing Magicians is related to magick in that performers use tricks and deception to make audiences think they have done things which, if real, would require supernatural or paranormal powers, e.g., materializing objects such as rings or ashes, doves or rabbits. Some magicians have attributed their feats not to magic but to supernatural or paranormal powers, e.g. Sai Baba etc. Off course, the beauty and magic of nature has nothing to do with magick. There is the magic of the birth of a healthy child, the magic of true love etc. Magic operates according to these basic laws………

a)     Natural Forces:                      Many peoples believe in the magical powers of the natural forces which have a complete separate existence and operate independently of any spiritual beings. These forces are inherently programmed since the Creation, to do specific things either alone or in culmination with others and if left alone they become the reason of special events in the daily life like unpredicted Rains, Floods or Storms etc. In every aboriginal culture, people sense them and talk of them as the peasants recognize them, poets have written about them.

    "The force that through the green fuse drives the flower". (Dylan Thomas)

b)    Mystic (Divine) Power:                         This mystical power which exists in all things stimulates these natural forces and everything else. This power of higher order in spiritual beings, in people of high spiritual status like African and Polynesian kings and in mystics, may be dangerous to ordinary people but most of them can control it. The idea is exemplified in the biblical concept of divine “glory”, as halos over the heads of saints in medieval art, and in contemporary New Age “auras”. It is the belief in supernatural power that defines the concept of “sacred” and that exemplifies the holy water and the holy flag like in Shitte Muslims. In some belief systems, “forces” and “power” may seem to merge e.g. in the concept of “vital force” that exists in so many forms.

c)     Symbolism:                                      The Symbols are words, thoughts, things, or actions that not only represent other things or actions but can take on the qualities of the things they represent. If the thing the symbol stands for has power, the symbol will become powerful. Some symbols with power appear to be universal, e.g., eggs, horns, and the black or white color, most of those are understandable only in their specific cultural contexts. Words are extremely powerful as they have their own meaning and speech is usually part of the magic act. Unspoken thoughts can do the same although less effectively. It also explains Telepathy and the projection of “psi energy”.

d)     Cosmic system:                        Everything in the cosmos is believed to be potentially interconnected as if by invisible threads not only pertaining to past, present, and future for the time being. Further everything and event that had happened, is happening, or will happen was already originated into the cosmic system and after it has happened, it leaves a record of itself in it.

How some people use the magickal tricks to entertain and earn the money out of it. Which if is only for earning the living is not bad but then sometimes it turns into stealing and snatching from others, taking advantage of others problem and desires e.g. Magickians with magickal tricks and the Diviners or the Exorsists using so-called divine tricks like the act of eradicating the Evil spirits and Ginees by pouring the holy water blown in the name of Allah or using the Christian Cross, using the magical propotions (e.g.made from the eyeball of owl, tail of a mouse/ dog, rabbit feet etc.) and written texts to worn by the inflicted in many countries throughout the whole world.

What is Dream and Vision/ Kashf? What are the Concepts of Vision in Primitive Religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam?

 i.     Dream:                       

 Sometimes during the different stages of sleep a man goes through the sequences of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations which are defined as Dreams. The content and purpose of dreams is still not definitively understood, though they have been a topic of scientific speculation and a subject of philosophical and religious interest throughout the human history. The scientific study of dreams is called Oneirology. Scientists believe that other non-human mammals as well as birds also dream. Dreams mainly occur in the 'Rapid-Eye Movement (REM), a stage of sleep'; when brain activity is high and resembles that of being awake. REM sleep is revealed by continuous movements of the eyes during sleep. At times, dreams may occur during other stages of sleep. However, these dreams tend to be much less memorable.

Sigmund Freud, who developed the discipline of psychoanalysis, wrote extensively about dream theories and interpretations. He explained dreams as reflections of our deepest desires and sorrows often relating to repressed childhood memories or obsessions. In 'The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud developed a psychological technique to interpret the dreams and devised a series of guidelines to understand the symbols and motives that appear in our dreams.

In Judaism, dreams are considered as part of the experience of the world that can be interpreted and that lessons can be garnered from. It is discussed in the Talmud, Tractate Berachot, Second Part. The ancient Israelites(as being defined in the Holy scriptures, the nation of Abraham----Israelites) connected their dreams heavily with their religion though they were monotheistic and believed that dreams were the voice of one God alone. They also differentiated between good dreams (from God) and bad dreams (from evil spirits). The Israelites like many other ancient cultures, incubated dreams in order to receive divine revelation. For example, the Israelite‘s prophet Samuel, would "lie down and sleep in the temple at Shiloh before the Ark and receive the word of the Lord". Most of the dreams are being written in the Bible are in the Book of Genesis.

The Christians mostly shared their beliefs with the Israelis/Jews and thought that dreams were of the supernatural element because the Old Testament had frequent stories of dreams with divine inspiration. The most famous of these dream stories was Jacob's dream that stretched from Earth to Heaven. Many Christian men preached that God talked to his people through their dreams.

Iain R. Edgar has researched the 'Role of Dreams in Islam', he has argued that dreams play an important role in the history of Islam and the lives of Muslims. Dream interpretation, is the only way that Muslims can receive revelations from God after the divine sleep/divine migration of the last Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him).

ii. Vision:                                       In spirituality, a Vision is something that can be seen in a dream, trance or ecstasy especially a supernatural appearance that conveys a revelation. Visions generally have more clarity than dreams but traditionally fewer psychological connotations. Visions are known to emerge from spiritual traditions and could provide a lens into human nature and reality. Entheogens have traditionally assisted in the generation of visions among diverse cultures as well as in modern western culture.

In Christian theology, ?Vision is a sight or scene presented to a person’s mind in the day or at night?. Usually through other than ordinary means and sometimes while the recipient was in a trance or was dreaming (Ac 10:3; Ge 46:2). It is often difficult to establish a clear demarcation between visions and dreams described in the Bible and at times they are combined. When a person received a vision from God during the waking hours, it appears that the impression was made upon the conscious mind. The vision could later be recalled and described by the recipient/visionary in his own words. Some persons like the prophet Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar also had nocturnal visions or ‘Visions of the Night’. These seem to have been impressed upon the subconscious mind while the recipient/ visionary is slept.

Visionary is a man who had or claimed to have visions from God regarding concealed or future matters. The Hebrew word for “Visionary” is Cho·zeh′, from Cha·zah′, meaning “behold- vision”, Cha·zah′ and its explainations are employed with reference to seeing visions (Nu 24:4; Isa 1:1; 21:2; 22:1; Eze 13:7; Da 8:1).In Christianity, the term “Visionary” is used formany people like Heman, Iddo, Hanani, Gad, Asaph, Jeduthun, and Amos (1-Ch 25:5; 2Ch 12:15; 19:2; 29:25, 30; 35:15; Am 7:12). Some of all these such as Gad and Iddo had written their visions (1-Ch 29:29; 2Ch 9:29; 33:19). Not all of the prophets of God were visionaries. However, Gad was called both a “prophet” and “David’s visionary”, apparently because at least some of the messages he received from God came by means of visions containing divine instruction or counsel for King David (2-Sa 24:11; 1Ch 21:9). Prophecy is often associated with visions, though this is a very controversial topic. Examples of the prophets who were believed to have visions are Ellen G. White (of Christianity) and Mohammad (P.B.U.H) in Islam.

iii.  Kashf :                                  Kashf is an Arabic word which means "unveiling" is a Sufi concept rooted in Gnostic ideals dealing with knowledge of the heart rather than of the intellect. It describes the state of experiencing a personal divine revelation after ascending through spiritual struggles and uncovering the heart (a spiritual faculty) in order to allow divine truths to pour into it. Kashf is etymologically related to Mukashafa “disclosure”/ “divine irradiation of the essence”, which connotes “ familiarity with things unseen behind the veils ”.

Concepts of Vision:-                   In Primitive concepts of the indigenous religions ,upon learning more about religious traditions across the world, western scholars also described similar magico-religious practices found within the indigenous religions of other parts of Asia, Africa, Australia and the North America as Shamanism.

Shamanism (Shah-man or SHAY-man) is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit world. Shamans have dreams or visions that tell them certain things. The Shaman may have or acquire many spirit guides, who often guide and direct the shaman in his/ her travels in the spirit world.

Visions in Christianty and Judaism can be described as under…..

  • Vision of God in the Book of Ezekiel, Ch-1 (6th century BC).
  • Vision of a heavenly figure "like a son of man" in Daniel, Ch-7:13 (6th century / 2nd century BC).
  • Jesus' vision of the dove when baptized in the Book of Mark, Ch- 1:10 (1st century).
  • Mariam’s phantasmas (Visions of Mary, the mother of Jesus) (1st century AD - present).
  • The "vision of the throne", in which Ezekiel sees God enthroned in the Temple among the heavenly host (Ezekiel 1:4-28).
  • The first "temple vision", in which Ezekiel sees God leave the Temple because of the abominations being practiced there (meaning the worship of Gods other than Yahweh, the official God of Judah (Ezekiel 8:1-16).
  • Images of Israel, in which Israel is seen as a harlot bride, among other things (Ezekiel 15-19).
  • 'The valley of dry bones, in which the prophet sees the dead rise again (Ezekiel 37:1-14).
  • The destruction of Gog and Magog, in which he sees Israel's enemies destroyed and a new age of peace established (Ezekiel 38-39).
  • The final temple vision, in which Ezekiel is transported to Jerusalem and sees a new commonwealth centred around a new Temple to which God's glory has returned (Ezekiel 40-48).

In Islam according to the Koran (the Muslim Holy Book), the Muslims are required to believe in the unseen (namely Allah), but knowledge of the unseen is a power that should belong solely to Allah(God). But it does not contradict the Koran because only God has knowledge of the unseen and if someone else other than God has that knowledge than its only because it was given to them by God. Further argument is that “the only guide to God is God Himself”. It is believed that every genuine worshipper has the capability to experience unveiling (personal revelation) but that this personal revelation occurs by the grace of God. If a worshipper fails to experience unveiling, it indicates that that person is pursuing Sufism for a reason other than the love of God alone. God is in fact the one who does the unveiling once a person has given up on all worldly forms of knowledge and his/her heart is pure and open for God.

 Al-Kushayri calls this “Inner Receptivity” to the manifestation (Tajalli) of the Divine Mysteries, the essence of which is mukashafa as the understanding of The Real.

One Hadith (the words of the Prophet Mohammad, P.B.U.H.) holds specific significance for the concept of Kashf:

2 - ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ????? ??? ???? ????? ????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ????? ???????? ? ???????? ? ??? ????? ????? ???? ??? : ???? ?? ??? ? ????? ?? ???? ? ????? ?? ???? ? ????? ?? ????? ??????: ??? ?? ??? ??????? ??????: ??? ?????? - ??????: ??????? ??? ?????? - ?????? ?? ?????: 1/166 ????? ??? ??????: ?? ??? ??

"Between God (Allah almighty and sublime) and creation are 70,000 Veils. The nearest of creatures to God (Allah almighty and sublime) are Gabriel, Michael and Raphael (the Angels), between them and Him are "Four Veils" like......               

·        a veil of Fire

·        a veil of Darkness

·        a veil of Cloud

·        and a veil of Water

Other Types of Kashf :                         Later mystics, relying upon the traditional terminology, classified the revelations as follows:

  • Kashf Kauni (Creation/ Existence) :             This is called the Revelation on the plane of the created things which is the result of pious actions and purifications of the lower soul.It becomes manifested in dreams and through the second sight or ESP (Extrasensory Perception).
  • Kashf Ellahi :          The Divine (God) revelation is a fruit of constant worship and polishing of the heart. It results in the knowledge of the world of spirits and in cardiognosis "soul-reading" so that the mystic/shaman sees hidden things and reads hidden thoughts.
  • Kashf Aqli :                 This is the Revelation through intellect and is essentially the lowest grade of intuitive knowledge which can be achieved by polishing the moral faculties and can be experienced by the philosophers as well.
  • Kashf Emani :             The Revelation through faith which is the fruit of perfect faith after man has acquired propinquity to the perfections of prophethood. He will be blessed by direct divine addresses — he talks with the angels, meets the spirits of the prophets, and sees the Night of Might and the blessings of the month of Rama?an in human form in the world of perfection or Heaven.

Shamanism, Dismenteling and the Recomposition of the Soul:                 

 In Shamanism it is believed that part of the human soul is free to leave the body. The Soul is the Axis Mundi, the centre of the Shamanic Healing Arts. Shamans change their state of consciousness allowing their free soul to travel and retrieve ancient wisdom and lost power. Because a portion of the soul is free to leave the body it will do so when dreaming or it will leave the body to protect itself from potentially damaging situations weather they are emotional or physical. In situations of trauma the soul piece may not return to the body at its own and then a shaman must intervene and return the soul essence to the body. The Shaman's spirit can leave the body to enter the Supernatural world to search for answers. The shaman evokes animal images as Spirit guides, Omens, and message-bearers. The shaman can tell the future, Scry, throw bones/runes and perform other varied forms of Divination.

Shamanism is based on the premise that the visible world is pervaded by invisible forces or spirits which affect the lives of the living. The shamanic ceremony is both a religious ceremony and an artistic performance. The fundamental purpose of the dramatic displays seen during shamanic ceremonies is not to draw attention or to create a spectacle for the audience as many Westerners have come to believe but to lead the tribe in a solemn ritualistic process. All shamanic performances consist of four elements………Dance, Music, Poetry and Dramatic or Mimetic action. The use of these elements serves the purpose of outwardly expressing his mystical communion with nature and the spirits for the rest of the tribe. The true Shaman can make the journey to the spirit world at any time and any place.

In Ibrahamic religions like Islam, we also find the Concept of Dismenteling and Recomposition of the Soul in a way as it has been explained that Allah (God) says in Koran that with the creation of the Universe, I have also created all the breathing organism in Pair/2 and also the Souls of all the living (breathing) beings till the day of judgement and every human has 3 Souls in his/her physical body. When he/she is dreaming during the sleep, 1st of these 3 souls, the Soul of Dreams leaves the body and probe or perform the tasks in the past and also in the future that we see ourselves doing in the state of dreaming. The other two souls (2nd the Soul of Breath and 3rd the Soul of Life) remain in the body during our dreaming. But during the Visions, the Soul of Dreams and the Soul of Life are together out of the individual‘s Body and probe into the forth coming events. When an individual dies, the Soul of Dreams and the Soul of Breath leaves the body forever and travel to the Aalam-e-Barzakh (the space (the world) of Transition which is in between Heavens and Earth) till the day of judgement when the both will re-enter the human body along with the Soul of Life as a purpose of resurrection of the whole mankind. The Soul of Life has to remain into the body till the human body is being buried because she has to go through the process of questioning by the Angels (namely Munkir & Nakir in Arabic) for the deeds (Bad or Good) of the material world. The Soul of Life has to face the Punishment or Rewards as a result of the worldly deeds till the re-enterance in the individual’s body for resurrection on the day of judgement.

But if anyone wants to understand it more properly in this digital age, the Popular culture is consistently adopting the methodology of 'Revisit and Revival', particularly in performing arts around the Globe. For example, in the Hollywood film,"NEXT", the approach of the director is based on the same method of 'Revisit and Revival'. The film starts with an American(Cris Johnson/Frank Cadillacs), sitting in a dinner, watching the time (which is as usual 08:10 a.m., later the reason for this exact time will be explained ) drinking Martini (a kind of Alcohol……the same expression of American social life like drinking Mratini on the Breakfast time) and Visioning about a young woman of his visions. Then in the second scene again the same American man, Cris Johnson as Mgickian is playing the magickal tricks on a stage in a hotel or casino with multinational audiences including FBI-agents with the same American social context of merry making and night life as it is always being shown in American movies.

Then Cris is shown being followed by the FBI-agents to use his Visionary powers to locate a Nuclear Weapon, supposedly will be detonated by the multinational Terrorists with Russian Reference (Proxy War Theory) whom also want to kill Cris for the same reason of his Visionary powers. This all incident centres till Cris is being captured by FBI-agents, agent Ferris forces him to envision the location of the Nuclear Weapon by strapping him into a chair with highly advance investigating instruments in a detention centre whereas he visions the captured Liz Cooper, his beloved, wearing a mobile-detonated jacket-bomb. Here the discussion reveals the anthropological concepts of Self and Other, false Idealism/ Nationalism, Power and Control and the Colonial concept of the State aggression over the common people.

In the ending scenes of the film, the director uses the mythological/Shamanic reference of Dismenteling and Recomposition with effects of Violence and Terror to free the beloved of Cris, Liz Cooper and retrieve the Nuclear Weapon and presenting Cris as the usual American Hero who saves everything at the end but when the Nuclear Weapon not found. Then the director brings us back to the Motel scene where Cris and Liz are in the Bed and he is shown being reasoning about Fantasy and Reality, another anthropological approach.

The director Mr. Lee Tamahori, has constructed the plot of this film on 'the Religious or Mythological Cosmology' referring to the mythological or divine ground of 'the Triangle of Male-Female and the Supernatural/Supreme Power/Fate/gods/the Divine (God or Allah), the role of Numbers/Digits through the concept of Time and Space and the Origin of the Universe'. The Human existence (everyday life) which he further amalgamated with the human desires, imagination, reality and mythological/divine conception along with modern day Technological advantages to fight the eternal war between 'Love and Hate, Power and Person and Good and Evil' in this film. If we further look on categorically from the personalities of the director Mr. Lee Tamahori, the writer Mr. Philip K. Dick and the leading character of Mr. Nicolas Cage as Cris Johnson/Frank Cadillacs, we can also find some of the related anthropological aspects to this under considered movie,NEXT,.

The director of the film ?NEXT? Mr. Warren Lee Tamahori was born in Wellington, New Zealand in 1950 to a Maori father and an Anglo mother. In 1994,he made an explosive feature debut, ?Once Were Warriors? about New Zeland's parchingly accused treatment of its native Maori people and the cycle of mysogynistic physical and mental abuse. The writer Mr. Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) of the novel ?The Golden Man? on which this film is based,  was an American science fiction novelist, short-story writer and essayist who has researched on the sociological, political, theological and metaphysical themes centred by monopolistic corporations, authoritarian governments and altered states in his writings. Mostly he had written on the bases of his own life experiences about Paranoia, Schizophrenia, Paranormal Activity and Preternatural experiences.

The leading character of Cris Johnson in this film “NEXT“ was played by Nicolas Kim Coppola alias Nicolas Cage who was born on January 7, 1964 in Long Beach, California, USA. His father Mr. August Floyd Coppola was an Italian descent professor of literature and his mother Ms. Joy Vogelsang was a dancer and choreographer and from a German and Polish mixed descent. He was raised in a Catholic family. He has acted in different US movies in different characters but here I am only giving the reference of those characters/movies which have Mythological/ Paranormal /Sci-Fiction themes. In 2007, he played as a Mgickian and a Visionary man in the movie ,NEXT, which shared the concept of a glimpse into an alternate timeline with his film ,The Family Man, released in 2000. In 2009 ,he acted in a Sci-fiction thriller ,Knowing, directed by Alex Proyas and in this film, he has acted as a MIT Professor who examines the contents of a Time capsule unearthed at his son's elementary school. Unbelievable predictions about the future incidents, in the form of random Numbers/ Digits written on a page were found inside the capsule that have already come true. In 2010, he acted as a Sorcerer in the film ,The Sorcerer's Apprentice, . In February 2011, he claimed to have created a new method of acting which he calls "Nouveau Shamanic". He claims to have used this acting style throughout his career and one day plans to write a book about this method. In 2007, he created a comic book with his son Weston, called Voodoo Child, which was published by Virgin Comics.

As in the words of Sir James G. Frazer, “the three stages of human progress- Magic giving rise to Religion, then culminating in Science”.

The director starts the movie with throwing light on the role and meaning of Magic or Magick with the starting Magickal Act in a Stage show in Las Vegas acted by Cris Johnson in the everyday human life (with reference to American social and night life). The director’s personal life and background from Maori descent, it can easily be picked up what he wants to show the audience with this starting notion of Magic or Magick as also with the above mentioned quotation of Sir James G. Frazer about human life. Then it comes to the second phase of the role of Numbers and Visions (a mythological/ divine/ Shamanic reference) where Cris Johnson is not only visioning but also calculating the possible future incidents with the specification of 2 minutes in his own future while playing cards which is completely a game of counting and numbers/digits.

In this film, the director has tried to display 'the Binary Code System' with effect to 'Numerology (Use of Numbers and Triangles)' through the role of Numbers/ Digits with the concept of human existence and the creation of cosmos with reference to the religious scriptures. According to the Ibrahamic religions, God has created the universe in complete 7 days and He has created 7 levels of the Skies and 7 levels of the earth while on calculating these, it results in 21 directing towards 2 and 1, the triangle of Male-Female and God.

Then this same 'Triangle of Male-Female and God', three Entities though different in essence and common perception' which can be counted as 2 + 1 is being shown in the figure of 2 encircled 'Triangles of the David Star in Judaism and also in the Christianity.………….the first Triangle Upword is showing the 'Masculinity/Manhood' and the second Triangle Downword is showing 'Femminity/Woman' and encircled with a 'Circle, showing the Universe/ Beginning/ Zero'.

In Islam, the opening verse of the Kor'an (the Muslim Holy book) calculates the numerical value of 786 in Abjad numerals (Numerology). Muslims living in the south Asian countries, use 786 as an abbreviation for the verse, “bism illāh ir-ra?mān ir-ra?īm “                          (??? ???? ?????? ?????? ) which means “In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful“.This Numerical. No. 786 which if being calculated without any mathematical equation as 7+8+ 6 = 21, directing again towards 2 and 1, the triangle of Male-Female and God. But in mathematics, 786 is a Sphenic number. And 50 can be partitioned into powers of 2 in 786 into different ways (sequence A000123 in OEIS).This numerical.no.786 might be the largest n for which the value of the central binomial coefficient  is not divisible by an odd prime squared and the Binary Code of this Kor’anic verse is 11000100102. Also in the characters of the movie, the dominating theme is of 3 or Triangle in focus like Cris-Liz & Fate (Fantasy & Reality) or Cris-Agent Ferris & Fate (Reason & Fate) Or Cris-Agent Ferris & Terrorists (Good & Evil).The "Numbers/ Digits Theory" in this film can also be related to the film,“Knowing? in which Nicolas Cage has played the character of a MIT Professor researching on the same number theory.

In the movie at various times, the director is focusing on the value of Numbers (Even or Odd but mainly Odd numbers) with reference to Time & Space theory like Cris Johnson comes to the dinner 2 times a day at 08:10 Hrs. He can see/envision into the future 2 minutes ahead but claims that in case of his visionary woman, he never felt any Time limit. Then Cris’s old friend Mr. Irv in the garage talks about ?20 Minutes to walk 20 Steps from 2 Packs a day(1 day)? which calculates 2+2+2= 6 ,the 2 triangles of Male & Female, a day or 1 day directing again 2 and 1 while 0 is the Start. FBI-agents calculating Cris gambling in Casino with ? longest Black-Jack, a Cards game continued to 89 Sec. And he pulled 6 cards 21 which can be taken as 6-the combination of 2 triangles of Male & Female and 21 directs also to 2-Male & Female and 1 the Divine. He always stays 2 minutes ahead of catch/arrest. During his visionary discussion with FBI-agent Ferris in the garage, he mentions his age as 3 years old child put through Child (observed) Play Therapy (Paranormal Treatment) and asked by the people about 36 Hrs marathon game which is 3 and 6-where 6 divided by 3 results into 2. At Havasupai Reservation, Cris explains about his stage pseudo name Frank Cadillac, derived from Frankenstein (An English Novel character) and Cadillac (from Antonie Laumet de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillacs, A French explorer and adventurer in New France-an area in the North America),so the combination of 3 personalities- 1 is Cris,1 is Frankenstein and 1 is Cadillacs-resulting again 2+1 = 3.

Cris and Liz (his beloved) were staying in the Room.no.10 in the Motel because of rain on the way to Flagstaff, Arizona. Here again the Room.No.10 shows 1-the Divine and 0-the Start and rented by 2 persons, Cris and Liz Cooper. Agent Ferris shows Liz in the town, the video of Cris in the Casino fight incident mentioning the time 3 days ago and advise her to drug Cris within 2 minutes. Then agent Ferris is standing outside the Motel room and counting 45 Sec, 1:30 Minutes, 2:00 Minutes. After Liz discloses the plan of agent Ferris, Cris advises Liz and looks at the time 09:10 Hrs, asks her to change to 09:17 Hrs and himself leaves at 09:20 Hrs. In the detention centre, he visions Liz with Jacket-bomb to be blasted at 06:00 Hrs, broadcasted in the T.V. News on the roof-top of the parking area which will later be blasted after 2 Hours, so 6/ 2= 3 -directing to the Male-Female and the Fate Triangle.

The whole work out of this film is based on the purpose of the creation of cosmos, the existence of human life & social structure and how can the interconnective forces of Magic, Visions (Religion) and the Science/Technology be used for the common good. This film also reflects the American State Policy about the Usage of the Un-conventional assets----- 'Special Reconnaissance- S R units, a human intelligence (HUMINT) collection discipline which carry out Direct Action (DA) and Unconventional Warfare (UW), with a new dimension in war against International Terrorism. The director has also tried to indicate the power phenomena in the social and anthropological scenario with relevance to the human emotions and personal liberty in the triangle of Cris Johnson, Elizabeth Cooper and the FBI-agent Callie Ferris (Male-Female & God/ Power/ Fate) in this global era.

The shift from material approaches to more spiritual, divine and meditational concepts like Budhism in the general public also points out to the growing depressive disorders resulting from the economic and social crisis. But what can be put forward is obviously clear from this quote, ?Nothing is constant but change? Aristottle. 

Written by:

Mr. Farhan Raza is a Socio-cultural researcher and Intercultural Counselor, Human Rights Activist and Liaison for Regional and International Communication-Networking. ([email protected])


  1. 1-     Fields, Karen E. (1995) Translation and Introduction of ?The Elementary Forms of Religion”, Durkheim, Emile (1858-1917), New York, USA, The Free Press.
  2. 2-     Grey, Gordon. (2010) ?CINEMA, A Visual Anthropology? Burg Publishers, UK.
  3. 3-     Kelly, C.F. (1977) ? Meister Eckhart on Divine Knowledge “, New Haven, Connecticut, USA: Yale University Press.
  4. 4-      Al-Hudjwiri, Hazrat Abul Hasan Ali ibn-e-Osman (990-1077 CE) alias Daata Gang Bukhsh (Persian Sufi and Scholar, 11th century, buried in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan) ?Kashf-al Mahjub (The Unveiling of the Veiled)?
  5. 5-      King James version, ?The Bible?
  6. 6-      The Muslims Holy-book, ?The Kor’an


  1. Dr. Erwan Dianteill, Center for Cultural Anthropology, Paris, France.
  2. Dr. Elke Mader, Dept. Of Social & Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, Austria.
  3. Mr. Inayat Ali (Pakistani), Ph.D. Researcher in Medical Anthropology at the Dept. of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, Austria.
  4. Dr. Mrs. Azra Mohsin (Pakistani), Ph.D. in Kor’anic Aaloom (Knowledge of the Koran), University of Tehran, Iran.
  5. Mr. Christopher Edgar (Pakistani), MA in Protestant Theology, England; Lahore College of Theology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.



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