Every Superhero Has A Weakness
Theresa Destrebecq
Facilitator, coach, and learning experience designer bringing your professional book learning to life in community with other readers/learners.
The other day I received an email from one of my clients. She had uncovered something undesirable and she started in a downward emotional spiral. Not only was she emotional from the unwanted information, but she was also berating herself for being emotional in the first place.
When I first met her, she was in a pretty dark place and had been thinking of ending her life. She had spent 20 years giving her emotional wellbeing over to another, and as often happens, she ended up disappointed. She was unable to pick herself up because she had become so dependent on another.
Over the course of our nearly 6 months working together, she reconnected with her strength and her sense of self, not in a F-YOU manner, but in a way that gave her emotional independence that could then lead to greater INTERdependence.
Yet, here she was face to face with another trigger, and reminder her of the betrayal. Not only was she pissed again at the other person, but she was pissed at herself.
She should be stronger.
She shouldn't be so emotional.
She shouldn't be sad, angry, frustrated, disappointed, etc.
I disagreed.
I reminded her that being a strong person didn't mean being an unemotional one. I reminded her that she is an emotional being before a rational one. I reminded her that she is a human being not a robot. And I reminded her that even super hero have their weaknesses.
I think that sometimes when we make our way out of a valley, we expect to stay on the mountain tops forever, but we forget that our life journey is not always a smooth journey. It comes with pot-holes, speed bumps, and enormous crevasses.
We forget about the duality of life.
We forget that we can't have light without darkness.
We forget that we can't have strength without weakness.
My dear one...the next time you are should-ing all over yourself for being weak, please remember that your strength is still there, waiting patiently to be tapped on the shoulder. Feel your feelings (rather than numb or suppress them), step into self-compassion, and you will find your strength waiting for you.
In possibility,
Yes Theresa Destrebecq practicing compassion and self-compassion daily can help us be kinder to ourselves (and others of course!). Thanks for sharing.
I love that thing of even superheroes have weaknesses