Every Spreadsheet Tells A Story (And How Operis Can Help Tell It Better)

Every Spreadsheet Tells A Story (And How Operis Can Help Tell It Better)

By Hilary Smart

I think that all human beings are fundamentally storytellers, and that storytelling takes many different forms.


Let’s imagine that you wake up one morning, having dreamt the most amazing story overnight. Your dream featured a renewable power plant. It helped to save the planet, changed lives by creating jobs, and provided a good return on investment to shareholders. This story made you so happy that you want to write it down immediately and share it with the world. However, though you’ve always loved books, you’ve never written one yourself. You think you need some help.


You decide to start out by educating yourself on the mechanics of story writing, so you enroll yourself in a course on the subject from the very excellent Operis Training Department. Equipped with a newfound understanding, you felt ready to embark on your literary journey.


You could at this point feel confident to go away and put pen to paper and write your story on your own.? However, to avoid this article being very short, let’s imagine that you decide that a story as epic as yours needs someone with a bit more experience of writing to properly do it justice.? You therefore engage copy writing services from the world-renowned Operis Model Building Team. You sit down with them, and they conduct detailed interviews until they fully understand the story you have in your head, then they go away and transform the essence of your dream into a polished draft.


Once you have this draft in your hands (or on your hard drive) you are very excited, and of course you take a moment to thank your wonderful copy writers.? You then decide you want to do some quick quality checks on it - for things like spelling and grammar, and to find any places where the wording is over complicated.? You shop around for the best possible writing review software, and you find that the Operis Analysis Kit (OAK) comes highly recommended.? You run your book through it and are pleased to find that (of course) it is high quality.


When you read the draft of your book you might find that the plot works perfectly.? However, delving deeper you realised the need for nuanced adjustments. Maybe there are some characters whose actions don’t seem consistent with who they are - e.g. senior debts with cover ratios that are too low - or you feel it needs a subplot like a refinancing to liven things up a bit.? Restructuring the plot is outside your comfort zone, so you seek the help of developmental editors from the Operis Advisory Team. They have inside contacts at some of the big publishing houses which help you get your manuscript in front of the right people. They are also familiar with all the genre norms for renewable power plant stories and soon have your book straightened out.


However, by now you’ve become a bit more embedded in the writing community, and you’ve heard rumours of a group of readers who only get taxed about one thing and make a point of reading every book ever published. They will be very upset if you make any missteps in their favourite subplot. You therefore decide to hire fact checkers from the very well informed and qualified Operis Tax & Accounting Team. They go through your book with a fine-tooth comb, ensuring accuracy and eliminating any potential missteps.


You now feel almost ready to send your book out into the world to be read.? However, it’s really important to you that there aren’t any embarrassing errors in it which might inhibit other people’s enjoyment of your story.? You therefore engage the diligent and dedicated proofreaders from the Operis Model Audit Team to make sure that absolutely everything that matters in your book is ship-shape. Your narrative, now a well-crafted tale, ventures into the world, and just as you dreamed, Operis takes pride in yet another story told.


If you have a narrative awaiting its moment in the spotlight, a story itching to be shared with the world, reach out to Operis.

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