Every Roof Is Solar Ready With Nulok

Every Roof Is Solar Ready With Nulok

Is the UK housing sector committed to raising the standards for all new builds? We have ambitious Net Zero targets, and If we are to reach these, a lot needs to change very fast.

Did you know that UK homes are the second biggest carbon emitters? This is down to the way we build and heat them. Existing homes can be better insulated or made more efficient with solar panels, batteries and other sustainable energy measures, new-build developments are where we can make major changes, fast and set the standard.

Fully Integrated Solar installed with the Nulok System and Natural Slate.

Nulok Fully Integrated Solar

The role of the housing market

Developers across the UK are now in a position where they need to make a decision to join us in this green revolution and include solar and other smart technologies on their new builds, Or are they confident that the new generation of homebuyers will be happy with buying a home that is to the standard they grew up with? Personally speaking, I am 34 years old and grew up in a council house with a coal fire. As a kid this was great! My mum and brothers watching movies, all cosy from the heat and I was not aware of the impact that this was having on the environment around us. Now in 2021 kids are a lot more aware of the need to change our ways, and I am sure that (if you have children) you want to encourage them to recycle, use less water, turn the computer off, turn the lights off etc. And the truth is that all these little actions ‘if done at scale’ have a positive impact on the planet.

My own opinion is that if housebuilders don’t start to make the changes that we are talking about, they will lose a lot of business to competitors who are leaning towards start technologies and renewable energies.

Government studies have shown that 70% of the UK population support solar energy, and we believe this attitude will impact future home-purchasing decisions and house prices.

The obvious benefit that we all look to from any purchase like Solar is really down to what money it will save us. Solar reduces running costs and lowers energy bills from the start. Therefore, any upfront initial costs would certainly be offset alongside reduced carbon emissions for years to come.

All you have to do is look around! If you’re reading this right now, just stop and take 30 seconds to point out what is currently plugged in to a socket. Like me right now, I am sitting at my kitchen table writing this with the kettle boiling, while listening to the radio on my Alexa. My laptop is plugged in, my phone is charging, the watch I am wearing was also charging until an hour ago. I also have the cooker plugged in, fridge, washing machine toaster and microwave. That is 10 devices within 4 metres, and I don’t even want to get started on other rooms in the house. The point I am making is that we live in a world that our dependence on electricity is only going to rise, and with that, so are electricity prices. British Gas, EDF Energy, E-on, Npower, Scottish Power, SSE & Utilita are all set to increase the prices of their standard tariffs to the maximum allowed on April 1st. This will only continue to rise in the years to come, so it is of the upmost importance that we do what we can to put the power in the hands of the homeowners or tenants.

Wider national and international sustainability objectives

The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, set out by the UN in 2015, include ‘access to sustainable energy for all’ and the UK government’s pledge to reach net zero by 2050 takes this to the next level. Its ten-point plan for a sustainable future includes an ambition for greener buildings by having future homes built to be zero-carbon ready, and will have 75-80% lower carbon dioxide emissions than those built to current standards.

Call for action

We have urged the Prime Minister to double down on the ten-point plan, with closer focus on the energy used in our homes, workplaces and on our streets.

This will unlock tens of billions of pounds of green sector investment and, in turn, deliver new jobs, improved and future-proofed homes and workplaces with products manufactured in the UK, reducing emissions, cutting energy bills, improving air quality and improving quality of life, which will contribute towards relieving pressure on the NHS.

Around 19 million of the UK’s 29 million homes are rated D or worse for their energy use, and research by tadoo highlighted how poor our homes are in comparison to European neighbours. Unfortunately, it’s still possible to build a new home in Britain today that relies on oil for heating, while a minority of homes still rely on coal. Furthermore, some homes still have inadequate insulation, which means energy bills can be more than twice as expensive as they need to be.

The Government knows this and is helping to change the picture. The Future Homes Standard will see the average home produce at least 75% lower carbon emissions than one built to current standards and all parts of the industry will have to be ready to build to higher specifications – with all the necessary supply chains, installers and products in place.

Of course, adding low carbon (probably electric) heating, alongside the rise of electric vehicles, will mean that up to five times as much electricity is required. In order to offset the costs of this switch – and avoid grid upgrade costs – there needs to be a greater role for local generation. The only viable option is therefore Solar PV.

I only ask you to put yourself in the shoes of someone looking to buy a home for the first time. They will be looking for a renewable source, or at-least have the option to install without damaging the aesthetics. They will be looking for EV Charging points, lots of sockets etc. Does your homes tick all the boxes?

What We Bring To The Table

We have never claimed to be the answer to all the short comings of how houses are built today, but we are certainly part of the solution. Our Roofing System is designed with 21st Century Construction in mind. Our system can be installed easily both onside or off-site in place of a traditional roof. Due to the design it means that highly efficient, 100% fully integrated Solar can be installed at the initial stages or at anytime in the future whilst also reducing the amount of Slates.

Modular Roofing Installation can be completed offsite alongside fully integrated Solar, like these new modular homes from TopHat

This lightweight, metal batten roofing system will also reduce the amount of timber needed in the construction of new homes. Timber can’t be recycled, but our roofing system can, which reduces carbon emissions in the manufacturing process.

For more information on how our system can benefit your next development then get in touch with our team.



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