Every Publisher Would Likely Axe It
The rain we received last evening was definitely a welcome arrival, so hopefully the predicted rain for tomorrow will also become a reality. While I was north of our city yesterday, I happened to notice a field of corn which was beginning to 'fire', and that's when the bottom leaves turn yellow and start working upward. Hopefully yesterday's rain put a stop to it. All farmers understand that when a cornfield starts to 'fire', the yields begin to drop sharply.
When I arrived at office, I busied myself with some real estate work, and once that was finished, I changed my clothes and headed out to get some tree trimming done. Of course once a person starts such a project, it ends up taking twice as long, and only because if one branch gets trimmed, it calls for another, and another. Oh well, in the end, those three trees look far better than they have in years, so hopefully they won't need another trimming anytime soon.
There was some harvesting to get done in my garden which was the picking of a good five pounds of strawberries and about two pounds of fresh carrots. My carrot crop this year is about the best I've had in at least ten years, and likely because I did some extra prepping of the soil before the seeds were planted. I figured they'd do well, but as of today, they've already exceeded my expectations.
I had to get back to office and return the calls that had come in from several clients, and before I headed over to my little/big project, I placed a call to my dear friend. We had a good long chat today, and most of it was about the news she'd heard regarding the removal of that fence yesterday which David Rachie had installed where the 'ghost hotel' is to be built. The story she heard, was that Rachie hadn't paid the fencing contractor the amount due him for the installation and rental of that fence which was to the tune of seven thousand dollars, so he went ahead and jerked it. The first thought that came to mind, was the fact that in spite of him milking our city of over two million dollars, he's now refusing to pay a measly seven thousand dollars he owes. Now if that doesn't smell like a rat in a feed bin, I don't know what does.
She also believes as I do, there's got to be a full-blown independent audit on that entire hotel fiasco from the time time it started which has been going on for more years than most would believe. For whatever reason, I'm convinced there's been far more pertinent information un-disclosed than ever disclosed to our general public. I don't even consider what's being said by our Mayor and Council, and only because they've been programmed to rubber-stamp everything that comes before them which has been highlighted with a 'recommended approval'. I'll wager there's not one councilperson who can give a clear and chronological account of what's taken place with that hotel project, along with all that crazy business with the building of that arena, its subsequent purchase by the city, and then our city having co-signed on the loan with Rachie to buy that mall. I dare say if someone were to write a book about those happenings, every publisher would likely axe it because it would be too bizarre and unbelievable.
Even my friend hasn't a clue what our city's going to end up doing with that bridge to nowhere. I've yet to come up with an alternative myself, and only because it's geographically mis-placed. One of the commentators said they'd heard that Rachie's hotel loan was turned down because the lender didn't like where it was going to be built. I personally knew over five years ago that those normal hotel lenders weren't interested in funding it, and only because of its location, and as every person who's been involved in real estate sales and marketing, knows the three most important things about creating lasting value in real estate, is location, location and location.
Once I finished up with my phone call, I headed over to my project at worked for a good three hours until it was time to call it quits. Each time I'm there, I make sure to look back and remember what I started with, which always gives me an incentive to keep moving forward. Since I'll be tied up with my music commitment over at St. Paul Lutheran tomorrow morning, I'm hoping to have a free time slot in the afternoon where I can get back over there and get some additional work done. With summer being half-over, I'm even more anxious to have more completed.
Two of the phone calls that came in today, were from past clients and customers who placed those calls, just to let me know how much they liked the advertisement I placed in today's Globe Gazette, which gave me a good lift. Yes, it's always heart-warming to know there are people here in our city who take the time to place such calls. Yes, those calls were definitely the highlight of my day.
Tonight's One-liner is: Will power is to the mind, like a strong blind man who carries on his shoulders, a lame man who can see.