Every person on the planet has the basic human right to good eyesight ~ Human Rights Day
S.R.Gopal Rao Opticians and Optometrists
Better Vision, Since 1936
Human Rights Day is recognized annually on December 10, the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. (UDHR). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a landmark document that affirms the inalienable rights that every human being is entitled to, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, language, political or other viewpoints, national or social origin, property, birth, or other position. It is also the most translated document in the world, having been translated into over 500 languages.
On December 10, 2023, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will mark its 75th anniversary. Ahead of this landmark, beginning with this year's Human Rights Day on December 10, 2022, the United Nations will conduct a year-long campaign to highlight the UDHR by emphasizing its legacy, relevance, and activism. As the world faces new and ongoing conflicts, the ideals and rights entrenched in the UDHR serve as guideposts for our collective efforts that leave no one behind. The year-long campaign aims to swing the needle of understanding and action toward an increased appreciation of UDHR's universality and the activity connected with it.
“The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition”. Almost 70 years after they were incorporated into the World Health Organization's Constitution, these words are more powerful and important than ever. Everyone has the right to health, which means that they should have access to the health treatments they require, when and where they require them, without financial burden.
According to the Vision Council, 75% of adults wear glasses or contact lenses for vision correction. According to Essilor, around 64% of them wear glasses and 11% wear contact lenses. This equates to about 3.33 billion pairs of glasses and 572 million contact lens wearers globally.
To address inequalities in eye health in India, SRGR has participated in a variety of philanthropic activities in cooperation with the Essilor Vision Foundation. We coupled the strength of our brand name with their experience as an NGO to expand our reach to the less fortunate segments of society with the purpose of improving the quality of their lives through better eyesight.
In an effort to achieve this, we have organized many initiatives, with the aim to provide a better vision and dedication to giving underprivileged people the opportunity to improve their lives through better eyesight.
We at SRGR believe that good eyesight is a fundamental human right. Good eye health is more than simply the capacity to see; it is also about having a clear and healthy vision of the future. We believe that the earlier we accept this vision, the better our quality of life will be because eye health affects so many other aspects of life and well-being. We also feel that continuous and early eye care, beginning at a young age and continuing as we mature, is critical to preventing visual impairments and eye issues.