Every morning dreams are remembered
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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Sometimes it seems so real that I couldn't tell if it is a dream, reality or a memory, occasionally it takes me a few hours to get out of the feeling I have in the dream. I also woke up tired on most days even when I have 8 hours of sleep. My psychotherapist requested me to note down the numbers of times I woke up in night. She explained why I could remember my dreams and it's because I wasn't in deep sleep. During the REM moment I was awake hence she said I could remember my dream vividly. And since I am not in deep sleep and half awake most of the time, that is why I feel tired. This might be the answer to your question.
And only found out this reason 3 days ago and have been writing down and being aware of: how many times I woke up in the night, what time did I sleep, how long did I take to fall asleep (using android sleep app), what time did I wake up next day and what did I do before sleeping rate my sleep quality (1 to 10). So far I noticed that if I wake up less, my sleep quality is higher, I also remember less of my dream. I also realise the less I try to remember my dream, the less I will. Perhaps you should stop trying to remember your dreams (or interpret dreams) so you can have a more peaceful sleep. I am also being advice to do boring stuff before bed instead of playing games or watching thriller. Hope this helps you too.
An since young I have vivid dream so I tried lucid dream when before bed, I get myself into the situation I want to dream then manipulate my dreams so I can prepare running 2.4km, practice for my coding exam, practice my presentation skill and problem solving. I don’t dream anymore because I take sleep medication for my insomnia. I am a bit envious that you can remember your dreams in the morning. I used to have them but because of the meds I just sleep. When I was going to college and taking a lot of math classes, I used to dream in equations and numbers.
I surprised myself because I did really well in all my math classes. My spouse has vivid dreams but they usually upset her in the morning. She’s been going through a lot lately and his dreams are usually about the past which was not a good one. Our remedy for that so far is we face each other in bed, hold each other and we both end up falling asleep. We wake up in the morning still holding each other and we feel refreshed and happy and he doesn’t have bad dreams that way. I hope your vivid dreams are happy ones.
This sounds more like your are intuitive and your dreams are communicating with you. Dreams are insights into our daily lives, and some of our deepest desires and pains. Dreams are clues into are psyche. Take time to retell your dream, I'm the present, using your five senses and feeling each emotion the dream invokes. The spiritual journey is individual. If you have a companion to walk with on the spiritual journey, very good. But no two people have the same spiritual journey. Therefore, one has to be prepared to have different realizations.
Enlightenment will not be identical for two people. If there are two soulmates who are walking on the path together, both with an identical philosophy of life, identical beliefs, then it can be a fulfilling journey of enlightenment, of spirituality. But there are possibilities of having different views. We must also understand that the spiritual journey is never a journey with somebody. It is a journey of each Soul, each individual human being being liberated from this world and united with the Divine.
Finally, people who can relate to vivid dreams. But I have searched everywhere and no one explains why I remember dreams from years ago. But here’s the thing, I'll be living my daily life and bam like Deja vu an old dream weasels it’s way to my train of thoughts. And I remember all of it, even the way it made me feel when I woke up years ago. It happens very often that these dream memories Deja vu things occur. Aside from that I have very vivid dreams, and they aren’t a problem I absolutely love them.
I accept my active mind as a gift because you can control it and it can take you places you’d never go. It can make you feel down or longing to just sleep again because these dreams are unfathomably better than real life. I wish I could explain more but it’s hard to put it into words. So what you are experiencing is completely normal. Cheers!