Dubai at your fingertips thanks to Romain's swimming pools!
You have long dreamed of moving to Dubai but with the costs involved and with an important project such as the construction of a swimming pool underway, it is impossible to save money? With "Les Piscines de Romain", make a combination project/trip to Dubai.
By ordering your pool or by buying the products and services on the site and participating in the draws that take place every 5th of each month live on YouTube.
You are the destination of the moment by participating in the contests organized by Romain.
All the odds are on your side: one winner every month.
There is nothing simpler than winning a trip to Dubai. Every month, "Les Piscines de Romain" customers take part in a competition to win a trip to the land of a thousand wonders and thousand excesses. The trip lasts 5 days and 4 nights from Wednesday to Sunday outside the school holidays. Draws are held every 5th of the month at 7:45 pm (French time) live on YouTube. It is, therefore, an appointment not to be missed.
First chance : Make a purchase on the Romain platform
How to participate? The rule is very simple: place an order on the platform www.lespiscinesderomain.com and win 1 ticket every €1,000. (The purchase of 1 robot at 500€ = 1 ticket, 1 heat pump at 2300€ = 3 tickets, 1 swimming pool at 8 000€ = 8 tickets). All customers can participate in this contest.
Second chance : Post videos and photos of the day of delivery and during the construction site.
This time, what you must do is to make a video of at least one minute on the day of delivery, in front of your order and say "thank you Romain". Then post this video on the forum (www.lespiscinesderomain.com/forum) and win 4 participation tickets.
Still in the forum, post a photo compilation (6 to 16 photos of the installation of your pool and win 10 participation tickets. All customers can participate under these two conditions.
Third Chance : A short testimonial once the pool is set up
At the end of the workcamp, when everything is set up, make a video testimony of at least one minute and post it on the forum and win 5 participation tickets. Again, every client can participate.
Always in the forum , post a photo compilation (6 to 16 photos of the installation of your pool and win 10 participation tickets. All customers can participate under these two conditions.
Fourth Chance : Make a testimonial video
You can also take part in the draw by making a short video that shows your satisfaction with the product you bought on the site or the work done by Romain's team. Those who have ordered a product or service from Romain can participate.
Always in the forum, post a photo compilation (6 to 16 photos of the installation of your pool and win 10 participation tickets. All customers can participate under these two conditions.
Fifth chance : Make a video near your pool (only reserved for customers who bought a pool at Romain)
This summer, make a video in which you are near the pool you ordered from Romain and post it in the forum. You must make a video every month. This offer is valid between May and October. It is only available for customers who have ordered a pool at Romain.
As you can see, the more tickets you have, the more chances you have, to win. Don't skimp on ways to win more tickets and have more chances. You may be the lucky one in the next draw. When you think that a trip to Dubai is in just one ticket, it will be crazy not to take a chance.