Every man is the sum total of his reactions to experience
How is it mid-June already? The year is passing by with change happening faster than I can remember. Not just in my own world, but in the world around us. Just this weekend I was at a concert (heaven forbid) and I spotted a person in the crowd Facetiming her family so they could join in (see the photo).
As time is passing fast I'll keep it quick. Here's a short round-up of three articles that will help you start your week smarter:
Managing Energy, Not Time Is the Key to High Performance
We live in digital time. Our rhythms are rushed, rapid fire and relentless, our days carved up into bits and bytes. We celebrate breadth rather than depth, quick reaction more than considered reflection. How can you keep on top of things? By managing energy and not time.
Ten Choices You Will Always Regret Making
Handling a lot of change right now? Choose the pain of regret over the pain of discipline and nine other top pieces of advice from Jeff Haden worth reading.
Finding Your Purpose and Living a Meaningful Life
From Hunter S. Thompson: Every man is the sum total of his reactions to experience. As your experiences differ and multiply, you become a different man, and hence your perspective changes. This goes on and on. Every reaction is a learning process; every significant experience alters your perspective.
More to follow in seven days again - it's likely to be a more Ramadan focussed edition next week.