Every little bit helps!
As summer approaches, so too does the fiscal year-end for many organizations, including those in the arts sector. As someone whose livelihood depends on the generosity of donors, I invite you to participate in the Great Canadian Giving Challenge.
The Great Canadian Giving Challenge, offered by CanadaHelps.org, is a great way to turn your giving dollars into a reward for your favourite charity. If you have more than one favourite charity, that's great: during the month of June, every donation (over $3) made via givingchallenge.ca or canadahelps.org is an automatic entry for your chosen charity to win $10,000!
I hope you'll consider giving to any or all of the fabulous arts organizations operating in the Calgary area. Personally, I have been affiliated with the Calgary Boys' Choir, Spiritus Chamber Choir, and Luminous Voices, but there are so many choices out there that are just as deserving. Again, every donation (over $3) made via givingchallenge.ca or canadahelps.org is an automatic entry. That said, most groups will issue you a tax receipt for donations exceeding $20 or $25.
Thank you in advance for your support. The arts are an integral part of our culture and deserve our attention.