Every Java 21 Developer Must Propose Record Patterns for Python

Every Java 21 Developer Must Propose Record Patterns for Python

Record Patterns in Java 21

Record patterns are a new feature in Java that simplifies the traditional instanceof-and-cast idiom, making it more concise and less error-prone. They allow developers to express the semantic intent of their models by reducing the amount of casting needed in code.

Prior to Java 16, the instanceof-and-cast idiom required developers to first check if a value is an instance of a certain type and then cast it to that type before using it. For example:

With the introduction of type patterns in Java 16, this code can be simplified to:

// Prior to Java 16

if (shape instanceof Rectangle) {

    Rectangle r = (Rectangle) shape;

    ... use r ...


In this new code, the value of shape is matched against the pattern Rectangle r, and if the pattern matches, it is automatically cast to Rectangle and stored in the variable r.

However, type patterns are just the first step towards a more declarative, data-focused style of programming. As Java supports new and more expressive ways of modeling data, pattern matching can further streamline the use of such data.

Records, which were introduced in Java 16 with JEP 395, are transparent carriers for data. They allow developers to create objects with predefined fields, known as components, and provide built-in component accessor methods. For example:

// As of Java 16

record Book(String title, String author, int year) {}

To extract the data from a record instance, developers would typically use the built-in accessor methods. For example:

// As of Java 16

static void printYear(Object obj) {

    if (obj instanceof Book b) {

        int year = b.year();




While this is already a simpler way of working with records, pattern matching takes it one step further by allowing developers to not only test if a value is an instance of a record, but also directly extract its components without needing to use the accessor methods. In Java 21, this can be achieved with record patterns.

Record patterns, like type patterns, use the instanceof keyword to match a value against a pattern. For example:

// As of Java 21

if (obj instanceof Book(String title, String author, int year)) {



The record pattern Book(String title, String author, int year) disaggregates an instance of the Book record class into its individual components by automatically invoking the accessor methods title(), author(), and year(). This prevents developers from having to manually extract the components as done in the previous code examples.

Furthermore, record patterns support nesting, which allows developers to deconstruct complex object graphs. Consider the following declarations:

// As of Java 16

record Employee(String name, String department, int salary) {}


record Job(Employee employee, JobTitle jobTitle) {}

record Company(Job boss, Job manager, List<Job> associates) {}        

To access the name of the employee in the top-level manager position at a Company, developers can use nested record patterns:

// From Java 21

static void printTopManagerName(Company company) {

    if (company instanceof Company(Job(Employee e, JobTitle boss),  List<Job> associates)) {




The record component Job contains a record value that can itself be decomposed by a nested pattern, simplifying the code and making its structure clearer.

Nested patterns also allow for centralized error handling. If any of the nested subpatterns fail to match, the entire pattern will fail and developers can handle the error in a single location.

In summary, nested patterns in Java 21 make working with complex object graphs much more intuitive and simple. They allow developers to focus on the data expressed by their objects rather than getting bogged down by navigating them. With the continued evolution of patterns and data modeling in Java, developers can look forward to more streamlined and expressive ways of working with data.

Record Patterns in Python

In contrast, the lack of a record class in Python forces developers to rely on the @dataclass decorator to define data structures. This adds an unnecessary layer of complexity and makes the code less intuitive. By implementing a record class in Python, developers can directly specify fields within the class definition, streamlining the syntax and improving readability.

Let's take the example of creating a "Person" record to store information such as name, age, and occupation. In Python record proposal, we can easily define the record as follows:

record Person:

    name: str

    age: int

    occupation: str        

This record proposal syntax is more straightforward (similar to Java records) and concise compared to defining a regular class in Python. By eliminating the @dataclass decorator, the code becomes cleaner and easier to understand.

Another significant advantage of record patterns is their improved representation when printing an instance of a record.

In conclusion, the adoption of record patterns in Python would greatly enhance the language's expressiveness and readability, bringing it closer to the ethos of simplicity and easy-to-understand code. As Java 21 developers, it is our responsibility to advocate for this feature and contribute to the growth and evolution of programming languages. Let's work towards a more streamlined and efficient coding experience for all developers.

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