Every great leader is a teacher and coach

Every great leader is a teacher and coach

Become a leadership coach for 2020. The standard in the industry is the online course and book Developing Lean Leaders at All Levels by Dr. Jeffrey K. Liker with George Trachilis, P.Eng.

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Between now and January 31, 2020, register with George Trachilis to get $200 off any course at LLI (meetings over the weekend are welcome - see availability).

The need for this kind of coaching has never been greater. Do the following survey to get a better understanding of what organizations are missing.

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Dr. Jeffrey K. Liker (best-selling author of the Toyota Way) will guide you through this survey [Rate each statement between 1 to 5: 1- there is a critical gap to 5 - we do this; we are there]:

The first question is whether leaders in your organization are developed to regularly go and see to observe people and processes and really have a picture of the current situation compared to True North. That, of course, means there is consensus on a clear vision of True North, so this is a multiple part question (not good for a survey question, but this is not a research project).

 Two, Are leaders in your organization experts on process improvement? It does not count if they have delegated that to staff people or Lean coaches. In addition, it does not count if they took a course or went through some basic certification, but rarely use what they learned. Remember, process improvement is more than doing the math or filling out the worksheets or using the Lean tools. It means you can actually improve the process, which requires that you influence the people to learn and follow the new process in a disciplined way. You are not done until the process is operating at the new higher level and it becomes standard, routine work for the people running the process – it has stabilized.

 Three – there are deliberate programs in place to teach Lean Leaders disciplined problem solving through on-the-job development, and there are coaches. The leaders have coaches like my guitar lesson today. Every week I go to my lesson. I play what I practiced this week. I get feedback. I then receive new drills and new assignments. Is anything like that happening in your organization to teach you how to be a leader who coaches process improvement to achieve difficult targets?

 Finally, are leaders deliberately learning and practicing self-development? My guitar teacher cannot do anything if I do not practice any of the drills or assignments, he gives me between lessons. Is deliberate practice focused on self-development common in the organization?

 If your answers on all four of these are somewhere between one and three – there are some serious gaps or critical gaps – do not panic. It means that you are an average, regular company because very few companies focus intensely on developing Lean Leaders. Even Toyota has many weak spots.

 Finally, develop a personal plan. What can you as a leader work on to begin your self-development? Part of that requires a coach. You may not be able to run to your boss right now and say, “Go and hire me a professional Lean coach.” You have to go find somebody, and there are many different ways to find somebody. I have a friend who went on the Internet and found somebody and through one of the social network programs asked that person if they would do coaching online. That person was honored and said yes, and she really changed the life of my friend who moved from the bottom of the organization to an executive leading Lean coach across a region of America.

 There are many creative ways to find coaches. The Lean Leadership Institute has a website (www.LeanLeadership.guru), and there is coaching provided as part of the courses. Take advantage of any opportunity you have to find and use a coach. You can always improve yourself and others!

~ Dr. Jeffrey K. Liker

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A deeper discount applies to organizations putting their leaders through this amazing online course. Contact George at https://GeorgeTrachilis.com/book-me and book a 30-minute meeting to discuss your needs.

Do it now! It s a Skype or Phone Call:  https://GeorgeTrachilis.com/book-me

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Remember, this is key to your success in 2020! Offer available until January 31, 2020. There will be no extensions.

Tony Hampton, MD, MBA, CPE

I met George Trachilis when I decided to pursue a Black Belt in Lean Leadership. After considering University based training, I was intrigued with the approach the Lean Leadership Institute took which involved coaching as part of the training. Even before I got started, I knew this was value-added. At the time, I knew that coaching was one of the keys that allowed Toyota to achieve many of its goals, but I did not know it would become the most important part of my leadership development. Like many people, I did not have a clear understanding of why I needed a coach. It seemed I was moving in the right direction in my career, so what could a coach offer? I soon learned after our first 1-hour meeting, I had some holes in how I approached leadership. The interesting thing is that George was able to draw this out of me without having to directly say it. His questioning coaching style forced me to think of alternative approaches to problem-solving which I feel helped accelerate my growth. Within only a few short weeks, my confidence as a leader increased substantially. Rather how I interacted with my teams at my local clinical site or during executive-level meetings in the board room, my relationship with my coach has been invaluable. It has been transformational giving me the confidence that no matter what role I am in, I have someone whose experience and perspective will help me navigate the ever-changing waters of leadership. Consider a personal coach if you answer yes to the following questions: Are you interested in gaining an unbiased perspective when faced with challenging situations rather at work or at home? Are you facing challenges that require you to be more productive? Do you need someone who can help you stay outward focus instead of own your own needs? Do you need someone who will keep you focused on your True North goals? Are you looking for someone to provide you support and encouragement? Are you looking for someone to speak the truth when others are not willing to do this? If you are saying yes to these questions, let George and his team help lay the foundation you will need to be an effective leader. I can say with confidence, this could be that missing link you have been looking for. I don’t just consider George my coach. He is also my friend. 

~ Tony Hampton, MD, MBA, CPE

Medical Director Advocate Trinity Hospital Service Area at Advocate Medical Group


