Every Great Leader....
Ritchie Gibson
Professional Speaker, Author, Mentor & Trainer on Leadership, Culture and Teamwork.
Years ago, I used to present to young soldiers on ethics training and the importance of mental toughness in the face of adversity.
I would approach a brick wall and bang my hand against it. I would then tell my audience that I could walk through that wall.
A large percentage of them always had the same reaction;
“It’s a brick wall! You won’t get through that!”
But I knew that with persistence and determination, I would eventually get through the wall. I was aware that it wouldn’t happen overnight and that I would be faced with obstacles and sacrifices, but eventually, as long as I had obsessive determination and a burning desire to succeed, I would get through that wall.
This brick wall metaphor got me thinking about just how closely it relates to leadership and teamwork.
Think about it. Who was that someone in your life, either past or present, that you have had an undying loyalty too and that you would walk through brick walls for.
If you have had a parent, mentor or someone in your life that you feel this way about, spend more time with that person, if you can, and cherish that time, as they don’t come around very often and the way they lead, might just rub off on you.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”So choose carefully.”
- Jim Rohn -
Below is a short list and my ‘secret ingredients’ and what I look for in a leader and someone that inspires me to go beyond my perceived limits:
- Every great leader that I would walk through brick walls for has a presence, an aura and self-confidence. They have a strong mental price tag, and do not allow people to mark them down or value themselves any less than what they deserve.
- Every great leader is ALWAYS willing to put their team or employees first. They place the welfare of others above their own safety.
- Every great leader works on building relationships, trust and honesty with their team and are personally invested in their immediate team.
- Every great leader is defined by the choices of his or her actions, not by chance or circumstances that arise.
- Every great leader must be brave and willing to make a sacrifice for their team, be unselfish, without want of reward and someone who is determined to help others reach their true potential.
There are a number of others that I could list, but these are my top five traits of those or those people who have impacted me in a way that I just wish to follow their example.
My Takeaway For This Week:
I know it sounds cliché, but leadership is leading by example and putting others’ lives before your own self-interest. Something we don’t see a lot of in this day and age.
Remember, leadership is not about rank, the position you hold or whether or not you have authority over someone.
If people are inspired to follow your example, you’re a leader.
That’s called inspiration.
That is what truly inspires people to follow you and makes them want to walk through walls for you, or even take a bullet for you.
Thank you very much for your ongoing support, reading and sharing.
Inspiring, motivating and educating you on a fortnightly basis means a lot to me and my team.
If you are interested in discussing a Selfless Leadership Corporate Training Program and transforming the culture of your organisation, or schedule a keynote presentation for a conference or event, please contact me at [email protected]
Have a great week ahead.
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