For Every Goliath, there is A David, leave no livid life in your days but vivid days in your life”
Riaz Nassurally
Beach Wedding Designer l Social Media Marketing lTravel Professionals I Director & Tour Operator l Minister of Religion
And the winner is....Avis aux Musulmans in Constituency No 2, 3,15 & else; Lets start this post by A Quranic Verse. It's said in Chapter 2 Verse No 249: How often a small group overcame a mighty host, how many times minority has gained victory over the majority by the permission of the Lord: For every Goliath there is A David, for every Pharoah there is Moses, for every Quraish there is a Mohamed, after rain there is sunshine, today our sun is shining very bright in Paradise, a new light is born! Never sell the skin of the bear before you have killed it" and it's a great expression that means the same as the oft used English one "Don't count your chickens (before they're hatched)".
AVIS IMPORTANT: Ban Camarad et Frere; The results of 2019 polls speak for itself. Alla mo pe done zot 6 elus dans la circonscription ki pou regler zot ban problem finance, economique, politique et social.. Kindly keep in touch with them as they have promised you during the political campaign 2019 that they will will work for the welfare of humanity & fight against the scourge of society. 6 TOP elite who bears a Muslim name. They are lawyers, Doctors, Professionals and live in big mansion like fish in water...Their monthly salary+ family Business income is approx 200k +M.. (If am not mistaken) Some has even sworn in the name of God that they will defend your case PRO-BONO.. Here is the TOP 6
1. Mons. Hon Shakeel Mohamed: Lawyer(Ringleader-)
2. Mons. Hon Osman Mohamed
3. Mons.Hon Salim ABBAS Mamode
4. Mons. Hon Reza Uteem
5. Mons Hon Aadil Ameer Meea
6. Mons Hons Aumeer
7. Eshan Jumun( Best Loser)
Alla kot sa 6 la ine amene ou dans lopposition, stick firmly & hold strongly to their rope.Lorsqu'on se noit, on n'est pret a se raccrocher a n'importe Quoi! Sa 7 la ena la cle du tresor cache
If they fail in serving you then bear in Mind this story: After the Conquest of Mecca, with all the hostility, hatred, animosity, character assassination, racism, communalism, tribalism against The Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H) Said> Today is the Day of Victory, I have forgiven everyone and let's join hands together to work for a better future in unity & fraternity & be a symbol of solidarity in society. Our New Elected Prime Minister PKJ says similar something like this.. There is a place & seat for everyone in my congregation. Je Suis le 1er Ministre de tous les Mauriciens... I am The Prophet for Everyone(Meccan & Medinian)Put your ideological & political colours aside, & espouse the Philosophy of UBUNTU(google it to see its implication) May God Bestow his blessing upon this esteemed nation of Mauritius .
Yesterday I was in Plaine Verte where the muslims were celebrating the Birthday of the Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H) along With Dr Husnoo and Muslim clerics and the message was very clear to the Muslim Population in this region. We have delegated you as a community of Moderation, Islam is not a religion of imposition but rather a religion of compassion & mutual comprehension
It is with quite a nostalgic feelings that i am penning down these words for you although my hand often itches with desire to pen you a few lines from time 2 time! I end this post with Britney Spear Lyrics in the Circus: There's only two types of people in the world, The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe, Well baby I'm a put-on-a-show kinda girl
Don't like the backseat, gotta be first, I'm like the ringleader
I call the shots (call the shots), I'm like a firecracker
I make it hot, When I put on a show, I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins, Spotlight on me and I'm ready to break, I'm like a performer, the dance floor is my stage
Better be ready, hope ya feel the same, All the eyes on me in the center of the ring, Just like a circus.....
VIVRE LE MAURICIANISM ?????? ???????????????????? ??????
Riaz Nassurally, Minister of Religion & The Bulwark of Extremism in Mauritius
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