# Every Day is precious
# Every Day is precious
Today happens to be 22/02/22 a day of numerology represents sun total all two`s and equals 10
This is the day of the
Sun, the all-powerful and the only seen God in the universe. It relentlessly arises every day for millions of years and by burning itself renders light to the universe without fail.
Sun is the light energy of the universe and it is a symbol of sacrifice.
Sun is a hot ball of fire emitting solar power and energy and the basic life necessity of life.
Without the Sun, we will never exist in this world, the most requisite energy.
Today let us pray to the Sun God with gratitude for its tremendous energy and power of the universe and life-saving energy.
This special day let us dedicate to Sun the power of the universe and let us remember that we are duty-bound as Sun and all the five elements as Air, Earth, Fire, and Space dedicate their services to humanity without expectations and with love, we as Supreme Human Beings are also duty-bound to respect and obey the laws of nature.
We have a lesson to learn from the natural elements of nature.
As Supreme beings, we are also supposed to not just live, enjoy life and die, but to also render our selfless service to all living beings with love and respect and allow them to survive on their own without interference and Right to life.
As we are neglecting these basic natural laws, we are being disturbed by natural disasters and calamities and nature has to survive on its own to render its services to the generations to come.
So it protects itself from the onslaught of human beings' overconfidence in destroying the natural elements from its greed for money, power, and fame.
Nature is more powerful than our intelligence. It can survive by the balancing effect of nature, only final victims are the living beings living now and our future generations of living beings.
Let us stop our self-interest in punishing nature and let remember that we are supreme beings on this planet on a journey of experience of life and to live life with happiness and joy and neither have we the capability to create another earth and its elements, nor do we are going to stay on this planet forever.
Our grandparents survived happier days than us and preserved the ecosystem and handed over this beautiful earth in living conditions to us, but we are destroying the basic life surviving elements and handing over this earth in the most polluted and non-livable conditions to our children and grandchildren.
A grave mistake we think that the man-made money can survive our children with the assets and bank balance, unfortunately, they may have to spend that saved money in hospitals and ICU`s and make hospitals and Doctors Rich and every other poor and disease filled generations.
A curse our future generations will endure, for our greed, name, and fame and will never pardon us for the mistakes left over to the future generations.
This is high time we try to at least realize our mistakes and it is not just the responsibility of our politicians or government but lies equally on every soul alive on this planet and to think and act following nature`s law of preservation and for the future generations also to enjoy life and not live a life of diseased and fear of death for their lifetime. Happy 22/2/22 mystic day.
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