Every Day Is Another Chance To Change Your Life For The Better

Every Day Is Another Chance To Change Your Life For The Better

Every day is another chance to change your life for the better

Each night when I go to bed I think about how things turned out during the day.

Typically, questions I ask myself include these one below.

What went particularly well?

What didn’t and what, if anything, might I need to change so that I can live the kind of life (personal and professional) I want to. 

I say to myself, "Today is the day when you I can begin to make my dreams a reality!"

This might sound a little “woo-woo” however it’s as true for you and me no matter where we believe we are in our journey through this thing called life.

Want to Stop Getting the Results You Don't Want?

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If you're anything like most motivated people, even if you're motivated about just a few things in your life, career or business then the following is almost an example of the proverbial ...

I believe you want to stop getting the results you have you don’t want and start getting the results you do want but you don't have!

You and I are in agreement even in the slightest here?

I believe you want to stop getting the results you have that you don’t want and start getting results you do want but don’t currently have either in your life, career or your business.

If you do, then understand that there isn’t a better day to start working on the things that you need to change … than TODAY.

Right now, as you read this content, this is the right time for you.

Think About It

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You can’t go back and chase your dreams yesterday ... if you can I'd love to know your secret to time travel if nothing else!

We don’t know if we’re going to be alive tomorrow. 

So, isn’t the only thing you CAN do if you want to start making positive changes in your life, career or business – isn’t that thing to DO SOMETHING about it today?

This is How We Roll

Look at it this way...

Let’s assume you’ll be alive tomorrow.

Assuming you'll be alive tomorrow shouldn't be hard to do and it's the way we're choose to "roll."

That shouldn't be hard to do and it's the way we're going to "roll."

It’s easy for you to put off making any changes to your life, career or business today, because after all, you could always start doing new things tomorrow couldn't you?

Well, if you go with that attitude (and I’ve done this countless times before), I guarantee you one thing.

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You'll go to bed tonight knowing you're still as stuck in the same old rut that you've been sinking into all this time. 

Not a thing has changed in your world and you'll wake up tomorrow morning knowing that you still haven’t done anything to help yourself.

When you take a moment to think about it that’s a depressing thought! 

Not only that…

On top of that you'll most likely to feel the same way tomorrow, and the chances are pretty high that you'll put off doing anything about your problem until the next day, and on it goes.

I've done that with my productivity and keeping fit for years. 

If, deep down inside, you truly want to make a change in your life, career or business…

If you're sick and tired of living with the same concerns you've held in mind for far too long now, you need to develop the mindset of doing something about it now, always now

…until you’ve solved the problem holding you back from moving forward. 

The Upside of Thinking What You Can Do NOW

There is an upside to all this!

Thinking about what you can do now to help yourself and acting upon these thoughts now, means you'll go to bed tonight knowing you did something to help yourself – and by association, maybe other people you care about too. 

You want to wake up tomorrow and each day, feeling better about your life, career or business because you invested your energy today on changing the thing or things that you’re determined to change.

Doesn’t that seem like a much better way of living? 

Doesn’t that seem like a more positive and manageable mindset? 

Of course it does.

So, if you're being sincere and making changes happen for you is something you honestly want to do, then stop wasting your time and start doing something about it! 

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Here's good news for you.

You don’t have to go crazy making year long plans about what you're going to do to completely transform your life. 

You don’t even have to think of all the things you want to change.

Just work on one thing at a time in that moment and think about what little things you can do today to improve your situation. 

In all honesty, that is the only mindset you need to generate massive amounts of positive change in your life, and it’s the most sustainable way of doing things.

**Work on small things and take your time without delaying it.**

I could only do 15 minutes of focused work, but I know it'll be 20 next time, then 257 and so on until my productivity is through the roof.

Speaking of which, I need to get some work done so we'll catch up again soon.

Got Ideas Of Your Own?

Got feedback or a different perspective?

Don't be shy because I love receiving feedback. It helps me know which topics people are more interested in.

So, feel free to leave your comments, like and share this post because we're all in this together!

Feeling Stuck in Your Life, Career or Business?

If you're feeling "stuck" in your life, career or business I'd like to help.

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Schedule a 1:1 Rapid Clarity Coaching Workshop where we'll review your current situation, your future goals and co-create a plan to help you eliminate life, career or business roadblocks when you schedule your session now.


