Every Company Needs a Chiropractor

Every Company Needs a Chiropractor

Sometimes I have so much on my mind that I want to take the time to write it in a story for you. I only read over my articles once for grammatical errors, so any grammatical errors I have missed...sorry. But really not sorry. This is meant to encourage discussion. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

How in the world am I qualified to talk about chiropractic in the industrial setting? Well, I was the one who spearheaded the program for a Fortune 50 company. Still questioning authenticity? I created an ROI system to prove to you that every single company should have a chiropractor.

Wellness. What a simple word with a complex meaning. Proactive. Another simple word. How about proactive wellness? The idea that you can forsee an injury about to happen and prevent it. That focusing on the overall health of an individual is much less expensive compared to treating an injury. And wellness is fun. Treating injuries, well, no one likes to be injured.

I know. All the managers out there are going, well chiropractic falls under OSHA recordability and therefore this will be our last approach. But Advil! let me take 400 mg of that to mask the pain. Oh and a brace! Don't make it rigid, but asbolutely throw one of those in. But a weight loss competiton? Never.

See the mindset of companies is to be extremely reactive. A machine doesn't need to be fixed until it breaks. But this is just the opposite of what should happen. Think of a car. Do you wait until the tires is bare before replacing them. Absolutely not. Then why do this to the machines. Better yet, why do this to the best machine out there, your body. The one that runs of fuel, powered by energy, and tells you when something is wrong.

Be Proactive

About now you are saying, what does this all have to do with chiropractic? Chiropractic is based on the philosophy that the body needs movement in order to be efficient. An adjustment is based on providing movement into an area that is restricted. When the body is restricted, the check engine light comes on, warning you of danger. Think about the way a bridge is constructed. A bridge is constructed to have the right amount of stability and mobility. With too much mobility, the bridge collapses. With too much rigidity, the bridge cracks and collapses. Balance the two and you have a stable foundation that can withstand a great deal of force.

One of the hurdles I had to overcome was the fact that Chiropractic for an occupational injuries is an OSHA recordable. But utilizing my philsophy, I treat people who are not hurting. I have patients come to me every week to prevent an injury. I have patients say "I just feel unbalanced can you check it out," without actually hurting. This is the concept of proactive wellness. The idea that an employees overall health is most important factor in preventing injuries.

Hire a Corporate Chiropractor

Now down to the money making section. Everyone's favorite. Chiropractors treat a multitude of muscloskelatal injuries, but somehow we are known as the back doctors. I am kind of okay with that. It will allow me to use that concept to show you how quickly it is to be cost effective. Workers compensation injuries cost companies 170.8 billion dollars.The number one cause was overexertion/bodily reaction. The number one body part was back. Number 1 location was warehouse, number 2 was traffic. The average cost of a chiropractor is 72 dollars an hour. The average cost of a back injury is 40k-80k. On the low end, this equals about 555 hours of work. If I can prevent one back injury it becomes worth it.

This does not factor in the cost of increase performance due to increased mobility, decrease fatigue. This does not factor in the cost of individual treatment. This does not factor in the cost of decreased sick time, turnover rate, based on increased employee moral. Just the cost of an injury.

If you want to inquire about Forward Motion + corporate chiropractor program click here and fill out the form.


Dr. Daniel Eichner DC, ATC, NASM-CNC的更多文章

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