Inside Reproductive Health
Your source for information about the growing field of fertility. Find updates on our website!
Until now, no single, cohesive directory exists to help fertility professionals navigate the diverse array of the companies offering products and services to the field.
That is slated to change at 9am EDT on Thursday October 17, 2024. Inside Reproductive Health has commissioned the IVF Heroes Universe, a digital catalog with a directory of 400 to 500 companies who provide products and services for fertility centers and IVF labs.
Inside Reproductive Health has made the digital catalog free to all fertility professionals. Organizations are not charged for the listing of their company’s name and website.
A directory alone, however, would be insufficient, according to Inside Reproductive Health founder, Griffin Jones. The catalog’s purpose is to foster transparency and facilitate informed decision-making within the fertility community.
“REIs, Lab Directors, and fertility clinic executives have a hard enough time keeping track of who serves the fertility space, but they have an even harder time keeping track of how those orgs add value,” Jones added. ?“[Fertility specialists and lab personnel] need one source of truth in their possession at all times to see who does what.”
All organizations listed in the IVF Heroes Universe have columns to share their value propositions, based on criteria developed over the span of nine years by Dr. David Sable and Abigail Sirus.
The three key performance indicators are Cost to Baby, Time to Baby, and Life Disruption to Baby.
One Comprehensive Source of Truth for the Fertility Field
The directory aims to list every organization on the “industry side” of the fertility field in one of eighteen primary categories including, fertility clinic networks (MSOs). Individual clinics will not be listed in the 2024-2025 edition of the IVF Heroes Universe.
The Universe will be organized in alphabetical order by category, then alphabetical order by company.
Companies that do not sponsor by September 12, 2024 will be listed with question marks next to their listings.
Sponsored companies’ listings have information on how they are reducing costs, speeding up time frames, and minimizing life disruptions for patients.
IRH chose to organize companies’ value propositions according to the Sable-Sirus Criteria because the criteria’s authors designed it to reengineer the IVF ecosystem to vastly expand access to care.
"We then took these metrics and used them as the basis for defining the value proposition of new technologies, and challenged founders and innovators to incorporate them into their models and pitch decks,” Sable told Inside Reproductive Health.
The Heroes section follows the directory in the digital catalog. There, sponsored companies further detail their commitment to the fertility field on their Hero page. Companies that do not sponsor by September 12 will not have a Hero page.
Your company is going to be listed if you fall into one of these categories:
Your company will only have its value information listed if your company is a Hero Sponsor. Dozens of companies have already sponsored.
If you want fertility professionals ?to see your complete information, learn more here.
Released to thousands of fertility professionals, just prior to ASRM Congress
The IVF Heroes Universe will be published to Inside Reproductive Health’s weekly news digest which is sent to 2,000 REIs, fertility clinic executives, embryologists, and other fertility professionals. It will then be available on insidereproductivehealth.com until next year’s 2025-2026 edition is published.
Those who are already subscribed to Inside Reproductive Health will receive the IVF Heroes Universe digital catalog in their inbox on Thursday, October 17 at 9am EDT, as long as their email filters allow messages from Inside Reproductive Health. Those who are not subscribed to Inside Reproductive Health have to subscribe or download at a later date.
“It’s the perfect reading for the flight to ASRM,” Jones added.
The comprehensive catalog is poised to empower fertility professionals and possibly even patient-consumers to navigate the complex landscape of reproductive health vendors. By providing a single, reliable source of information, the IVF Heroes Universe will facilitate better decision-making and foster a stronger, more connected fertility community.
"It's a brilliant idea" said reproductive endocrinologist, Dr. Roohi Jeelani. "We should all care about what innovators are doing in the fertility space. It helps optimize patient care."
24 companies join IVF Heroes Universe almost immediately
Even prior to hard launch, Inside Reproductive Health has seen 24 companies sponsor to share their commitment to the fertility field: Artisan Medical Solutions , Asian Egg Bank , Boreas Monitoring Solutions , Bird&Be , Bundl Fertility , CiceroDiagnostics, Inc. , Conceive , Conceivable Life Sciences , Cycle Clarity , Embie Clinic , Family Inceptions , Fertility Matters Canada , Future Fertility , Granata Bio , LEVY Health , Embryomic , MyEggBank , Myriad Genetics , Northstar Fertility , Prelude Fertility , REPROTECH? , Sama Fertility , TMRW Life Sciences , and Univfy .
Broad participation, trying not to leave anyone out
Jones said he is concerned that IRH will miss companies that want to be included, but don’t become aware of the initiative until it’s too late.
“Every day, more companies are sponsoring to join the IVF Heroes Universe,” said Jones. “But I can’t individually reach out to every org’s marketing director. The best thing someone can do to make sure their company is listed is to share this info with their company’s marketing and leadership teams because the longer they wait, the more they pay. And if they miss the final deadline, the catalog will be published with their listing, but without their value information”.
Companies can pass this information along to their marketing teams.
The longer companies wait to purchase, the more expensive the sponsorship. The sooner you purchase, the more money you save. Prices go up again after Wednesday 8/7.