Every Clinician Can Be A Magician in Patients' Eyes, Albeit Not Necessarily An Angel: The Power of Neijing Acupuncture
I am working as a healthcare service provider. In the patients I have encountered, there are many seniors who do not know how to send a text massage through a cell phone. They only call me or talk with me face to face. One day, a 79 year old kidney failure sufferer says to me:
“There is Buddha, there is God, then there is Brook.”
That was when he no more needed to be put on kidney dialysis 3 times per day in hospital but could stay home and start to drive by himself to the temple once per day.
I feel the weight or heaviness of my patient's words which is about to crush me. That heaviness is kept increasing every day.
You Are Truly An Angel
Hi, Magic Brook
Know you are my magic man, my healer
You Have Been God Sent
I Love You
Fix Any Problems but A Broken Bone
Miss U A Lot
Everyone Was Impressed
Heard about You, and I would Love to See you
My husband Too
My Co-worker and His Wife May Call You
I Gave Your Number to My Cousin
Will Bring My Aunt Too, so 4 People in Total
Three of us will come today
I'm bringing 4 people in total
Akriti too, so 4 of us are coming
Thank you for healing my husband! Now my mom, aunt and me
I pulled my neck muscle, can I please come and see you?
My uncle has very bad sciatica
My friend's dad has severe back and hip pain
My mother-in-law has diverticulitis
I got period pain today
I got right lower stomach pain ...
I got pain at left pubic area
I think I have IBS and Hemorrhoid
Can you do something for my eyes
I have bad swelling in my hands and feet
Her mother in law has ALS. I told my cousin to call you
Thank you for putting me in a calm mental state
I feel so much better just after one session
Patients from Thousands Miles Away
My grandma passed away, you were special to her
Thank you for being a key part of our lives
Lots of love and respect ...
We Feel So Lucky to Have You in Our Life
As A Service Provider, I Am Scared When ...
“With Brook, all other doctors should be fired!”
Says a 50 year old lady with 12 different health conditions. That was when she no more needed to take antibiotics, pain killers, nasal sprays, vaginal creams, various supplements...for her fibromyalgia, sinusitis, skin itching, dry eyes, gallbladder pain, ovary cysts, kidney stones, vaginal yeast infection, low libido, colitis ….
I am scared.
As a healthcare service provider, what I did on my patients is nothing more than a gentle poking with a tiny needle 0.16 - 0.18 mm in diameter. A gentle tap which causes a needle insertion into patient's hands, feet, legs or arms.
Not only I feel the weight of my patients' words is crushing me, more frighteningly, I do not want any doctors in the world be unreasonably fired. Not desire as such even I know there is widespread skepticism against our modern medicine, known as Medical Nihilism or Therapeutic Nihilism.
A Medicine That Does Not Make Us Healthier
Skepticism toward medicine has been historically widespread, even particularly among the most experienced physicians themselves. For example, in 1979, the American physician Robert Mendelsohn, a self-described ‘medical heretic’, argued that "medicine's treatments for diseases are seldom effective, and that they are often more dangerous than the diseases they're designed to treat" (Mendelsohn R, 1979).
Almost half century later in 2019, the situation remained unchanged or even worse. Another experienced medical doctor, Seamus O'Mahony, MD, wrote in his book Can Medicine Be Cured? (2019): "Medicine has yet to come up with a more useful drug than morphine; without it, few would have the heart to practise the profession."
Used Car Salesman Doctors
In his book Confessions of a Medical Heretic) (1979), Dr Mendelsohn accused medicine of becoming less about healing than about the maintenance of medicine itself, especially doctors’ livelihoods:
“Doctors in general should be treated with about the same degree of trust as used car salesmen. Whatever your doctor says or recommends, you have to first consider how it will benefit him. For example, if a neonatologist tells you that high risk nurseries improve the survival rates of babies, find out if he works for a high risk nursery."
Human Beings' Never Ending Longing
On the other hand, an effective medicine with trustworthy doctors is a never ending desire or longing of our human beings.
Engulfed by patients' high expectations, how should I do? I need to get other clinicians to joint the team working together to share the weight of my patients' expectations, and to share the weight from the desire of the patients in the entire world.
I believe everyone of the patients in the world are longing to be “lucky to have a magician or angel-like doctor in their life”, but not desire a used car salseman doctor.
The patients in the world include the clinicians themselves and their loved ones. For example, I have seen patients who are chiropractors with neck pain, a chiropractor's wife with SI joint pain, a dentist with toothache, medical doctors who have low back pain or tennis elbow, nurses who have pelvic floor issues or menstruation conditions...
I wish all doctors, clinicians, healthcare providers in the world can become a magician, albeit not necessarily required to be an angel but at least not be viewed as a used car salseperson.
Is that possible? Yes, it is possible if we have a magic bullet medicine.
A Magic Bullet Medicine under Our Nose
There are tons of reasons for me to believe that when the human was created, the Nature already provided us a magic bullet medicine, and placed it just under our nose. But it seems the almighty does not want human beings to easily see it.
It looks like no one in the world today believe there can be a magic medicine ready for use that can make all clinicians become a magician, except the patients who have visited my clinic. This is due to the well-known Medical Nihilism in which all of us have been deeply hardened to the meager effectiveness of the status quo medicine.
What the medicine I am practicing? It is called Neijing acupuncture – A medicine widely practiced 2000 years ago but got deeply buried in the 2000 years of dust.
The improvement or symptom relief of the illnesses happens like “The wind blows away cloud” (若风之吹云) as described (read this) in the Chinese medicine classic Huangdi Neijing.(NJ). The Chapter Lingshu 1 of Huandi NeiJing says:
"A physician who knows how to use needles can cure an illness in a breeze like plucking out a thorn from the skin, brushing away a dirt, untying a knot, or unclogging a blocked drain" (夫善用针者,取其疾也,犹拔刺也,犹雪污也,犹解结也,犹决闭也).
"However chronic a disease may be, there is a way to treat. Those who say 'incurable' simply lacked the skills” (疾虽久,犹可毕也。言不可治者,未得其术也)" (Lingshu 1, Huangdi Neijing).
My Newsletter
My Newsletter – Truth of Acupuncture Science, is to dig out this magic bullet medicine from the dust, and to help those critical thinking & frustrated clinicians in the world become a magician in patients' eyes.
Final Words: My humble wish
I do not want to be smashed by my patients' heavy words.
Huandi Neijing, Chapter lingshu 1. BC 200 - AC 200
Mendelsohn R., Confession of a Medical Heretic, 1979
O’Mahony Seamus,?Can Medicine Be Cured? The Corruption Of A Profession. Head of Zeus. ,2019.
Talent Acquisition Leader Enhanced Compliance Inc.
2 个月Y. B b b
Acupuncturist, PhD Bio Science, taking delight sharing the "hidden" wonder of human body's self-healing power he saw, and seeking the scientific truth underpinning a "lost" magic bullet medicine.
8 个月Ahmad, Master Tung's acupuncture is enclosed in maximum 740 acupoints. But in Neiing acupuncture, there are potentially 1,700,000 points. Master Tung's acu is actually a very small portion of Neijing ACU. If we consider Neijing acu as an elephant, Master Tung's is the tail or tailbone of that elephant. You may want to read: When Blind Men Touched An Elephant: Dry Needling & The Door of A "Hidden" Treasure House https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/blind-men-elephants-small-toe-dry-needling-vs-true-ancient-cheng/?trackingId=c4RjoQevQv%2BYd%2Fh8s8y3ig%3D%3D
Acupuncturist, PhD Bio Science, taking delight sharing the "hidden" wonder of human body's self-healing power he saw, and seeking the scientific truth underpinning a "lost" magic bullet medicine.
8 个月Dr Tan's acu was built and developed on Master Tung' acus. The latter was a tailbone of an elephant - Neijing acupuncture.
I write to help Naturopaths and Alternative medical specialists to build impactful and wealth generating personal brand.
8 个月Everyday I experience same and truly for the first time you are putting our experience into words. You actually do it better. Dr Tan's Balance Method and Master Tung's offer this ground more than any other I have tried. In a complex of symptoms and comorbidities what diagnosis system or your basis of needling choices?