Every brand marketer "dreams" of going viral, but...

"Going Viral" is only half the battle. It's what you DO with the "viral" sensation [both good and bad "spin"] that really matters.

Did you see/ hear about the Family Feud TV show contestant's "wrong" answer?

"What is Popeye's favorite food?"  The answer is NOT chicken. [unless you --"Love that chicken from Popeye's" - LOL ] 

Popeye's Louisiana Fried Chicken didn't create the twitter storm, but they leveraged it.... and it only cost them $10 thousand dollars... to gain MILLIONS in free publicity, including this post.

Are YOU ready to leverage an accidental viral bit of publicity? Are you monitoring your brand name and product(s) awareness on-line, to "see" the good and bad? Even the smallest companies can/should be doing this... and it's not difficult or expensive.

Decide TODAY, how to respond to various scenarios [both good and bad]. Role-play in a meeting with your top sales-people, marketing team, ad agency(s)[if you have them] The press WILL come running, when you least expect it. This silly "Oops" on TV was fun for Popeye's, but they were ready. Would YOUR team be ready if a high-profile bankrobber was wearing one of your company t-shirts? What would you do if Brad Pitt or Paris Hilton were walking thru an airport, with that same t-shirt on. If Harvey Levy makes a joke about it on TMZ-TV, are you ready?

If you are ready, you can make a one day "joke", become a weeklong press cycle, but ONLY if you are ready and prepared.

Here's the NewsWeek report on the Twitty-storm... and the enbedded video, to see the original broadcast of the "Oops". https://www.newsweek.com/family-feud-canada-popeye-chicken-twitter-1481553


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