Every body tells a story; what's yours?

Every body tells a story; what's yours?

We are all technically different, even if we are identical twins!

Some people have visible differences that are interesting or intriguing without question e.g., having a tattoo, pink hair, or several facial piercings. Others with unique visible differences attract interest, confusion, intrigue and even disgust, leaving people desperate to know more.

As someone living with several visible differences, some since birth, e.g., permanent scarring to my right eye, and birthmarks across my head, face and neck, and some acquired along the way from both illness and accidents, I know it can be incredibly challenging.

Some visible differences can be concealed and people can seemingly live a normal life unhindered by their differences because they hide them under 'wraps', clothing, or hair.

But do they live a normal life?! And because they are able to be concealed do they go unnoticed?

I suggest and know not! Concealment is only half the story for someone who has dysfunctional believes about their features or appearance whether visible or otherwise.

How do I know? From personal experience, and being a therapist and coach for over 25 years.

I have one’s I can conceal and ones I can’t. What’s interesting is that one of the scars I was determined to conceal every day for over 30 years affected me terribly so much more than any visible scars.

My tracheostomy scar was the bane of my life. I wouldn’t go out unless I could cover it with a scarf, jewellery, or turtleneck top. I was told I was being silly; no one could see it; it didn’t matter to people. However, to me, I may as well have been wearing 2 heads on my shoulder. I had a terrifying phobia of people seeing the scar on my neck which had been caused by wearing a life-saving breathing tube for the best part of a year as an 11-year-old kid.

As a therapist and coach, I have helped people cure all kinds of phobias; weird and wonderful, and I know there are others like me who are currently concealing aspects of their appearance they find difficult to show even to their most cherished and intimate loved ones.

For example, as a therapist, I see people overweight who won’t have intimacy or share their bodies with their partners even with the light off! People who can’t look at themselves in the mirror, or wear anything revealing such as swimming gear. This has major effects on people and their family's quality of life and restricts what they can and will do for fear of being seen or 'found out'.

It doesn’t have to be that way! Curing ourselves of a phobia and distorted/irrational thinking liberates and frees us to live without boundaries and anxieties. Without the endless planning and performing to ensure we don’t get asked questions or let our guard down.

It's not necessary to suffer in silence, because you don’t have to! I promise you there are easy and quick methods of dealing with our negative and distorted thinking about ourselves that we no longer need to disguise, conceal, or avoid people and places. We can spend more time and energy being our genuine, calm, productive and transparent selves; loving who we are and what we look like and being okay to share aspects of ourselves with others.

Every body tells a story. Learn to be okay sharing your story and you’ll never think the same way again about your body.?

Are you being challenged by something visible or concealed that is affecting your daily functioning? Would you like to know more about you can be freed of the burden and live life your way without fear and anxiety?

Schedule your free 20-minute call with me to find out how you can struggle less and live a happier and more fulfilling life https://calendly.com/karenbartle/resilience


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