For Every Action... There Is A reAction - Video
Action Reaction World We Live In

For Every Action... There Is A reAction - Video

Newton's Cradle Link:

The road to success and the road to happiness are of the same highway. The token to pay is simply to be true to yourself.

The video above shows me demonstrating using what is called Sir Isaac Newton's cradle which Sir Isaac Newton himself uses to describe the 3 Law of Motions which he fairly stated as "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction".

Now, in many religious faith, there is saying that is very similar to the one of Sir Isaac Newton. This saying was best put by the boy from Nazareth called Jesus. Jesus of Nazareth said, "Whatever a man sow that shall he also reap". This statement is almost exactly like that of Sir Isaac Newton.

Using the same Newton's cradle, that explains "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction", I explained an idea to someone. My niece saw Sir Isaac Newton's cradle (click here to see it - and asked what it is. I am a philosopher, so I explained it to her using another means that is tailored to her age.

I said to her, "whatever you put into life, you will get out of life". This saying using the newton's cradle is simple but it is also profound.

If you are a student, my mentor uses some other simple ideas to explain how our minds work, especially been a student - watch it here - but you have to know that whatever you put into life, you will get out of life. If you do not put a lot of effort into your studies, you are bound not to have the kind of results you want.

I hope using this video to explain the 3 Law of Motions that states "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" has been valuable. Enjoy and of course leave your comment and share, share, share.


-coachAOG | | | | |


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