Confidence - The biggest lesson I've learned from my scooter accident

Confidence - The biggest lesson I've learned from my scooter accident

"Everything is possible for one who believes" Jesus

Six months ago I found myself in an 

Inconvenient position.

Driving my scooter on a huge crossroads in 

Berlin City,

I`ve overlooked the oncoming traffic.

A transporter crashed into my right leg.

I flew into the front shield of the car 

With my head.

Thank God that I wear a helmet,


I was brought into hospital as an emergency.

They have operated my leg for 3 hours.

It was shred to bits and pieces.

But the truth is: 

The doctors were more worried than I was.

At any given moment, 

I haven`t had any doubts

That I`m going to be alright.

Three months later, 

My bone has healed 


Not even a crack left.

Just the metal and two scars as reminders.

There`s a lot to learn from this. 

Multiple lessons I am grateful for.

The one I‘m focussing on now

Is a lesson about conviction, 

Belief and confidence.

For a long time, I`ve been following 

The plant-based lifestyle

And put my health first.

Be it this lifestyle`s physical effects

Or the confidence it gave me:

I`ve expected to heal 100%

And this is exactly what happened.

Let me ask you:

Where in your life did you have 

Absolute certainty in yourself? 

What happened as a result?

Have a great week.


Can totally relate to that. That was my picture last October. Still have the Titanium rod and pins as a reminder. So grateful that i can walk and run again.


