Everon urges telecare service providers to avoid 'sticking plaster' solutions as the government issues digital compatibility warning
The government has called on the TEC sector to stop selling analogue-only devices

Everon urges telecare service providers to avoid 'sticking plaster' solutions as the government issues digital compatibility warning

Everon has welcomed a government letter issued to technology enabled care suppliers across the UK reminding them to stop selling analogue only devices as we head towards a digital only future.

In a joint notice the Minsters of State at the Department of Health and Social Care, and the Department for Science Innovation and Technology raise concerns that some analogue only devices are still available to buy despite the risk of being incompatible with digital lines.

It also re-iterates the Government’s expectation that all analogue models, known to still be in use by telecare service users, should be tested to ensure their reliability when operating over a digital telephone line and the results published.

With the digital telephone switchover set for 2027 time is not on the side of commissioners or suppliers alike. However, it’s important that service providers avoid relying on quick fixes that may prove be more costly in the long term.

Peter Kerly, Managing Director, Everon UK said: “We welcome this important intervention by ministers and look forward to further guidelines from the TEC Services Association (TSA), the independent advisory body for the technology enabled care (TEC) sector.?

“The safety of service users regarding the design and deployment of assisted living solutions has always been of paramount important to us as a company. Commercial opportunities must be a second thought in the mind of any supplier, especially for those promoting sticking plaster solutions focused more on cost than public safety.

"Analogue to digital converters is a case in point, which should not be considered as part of any strategic plan for investment in systems over the next 10-15 years. As the government letter points out, it is a known risk that some analogue telecare devices may not be digitally compatible or reform as reliably on digital networks.”

“Everon’s solutions are totally end-to-end digital, present no risk to service users and are compatible with alarm receiving centres. It’s important that commissioners, operating in the assisted living space begin to plan their upgrades now, if they haven’t already – and to put service user safety first. There are various finance options available with extended warranties that will ease the financial cost and allow for investment in systems that are will be fully compatible and provide the highest level of safety that service users should expect.”

Everon is a leading UK and European provider of digital solutions for assisted living. Make us part of your digital transformation journey. To talk about the digital solutions and services we can provide contact our Sales Director Mark Smith - [email protected] or visit our website to book a consultation: https://everon.net/contact-support/

You can read the government’s letter to technology enabled care suppliers, regarding compatibility of telecare devices with digital lines below:

Copy of letter from the Department of Health and Social Care and


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