Everlasting Big Idea
Why Big Ideas are more valuable to your marketing campaign than you think…
Especially for coaches, consultants & course creators running YouTube Ads to their webinar funnels
Was talking to a friend today with regards to improving her copy, funnel & ads/swiped for her brand new info product that she was preparing to launch...
After spending over 5 figures creating this product and getting a copywriter to write out all the pages.
It happened to do worst than expected...
Even though at my agency we only scale coaches and consultants to 6 fig /mo with YouTube ads...
We utilized the same concepts & understanding we use to write winning video ads for this...
We started looking deeper into the issue and found out after direct comparison that the main issue was the big idea of the whole offer...
The way it was presented wasn't doing justice to the product...
So I dove in with the concepts we used to help her improve it...
It did much better and even an A-List copywriter took the work as his own for his portfolio...
I usually only share this with my clients, my team members, and my close mastermind friends.
These are the 3 biggest factors if improved upon will drastically increase her conversion rate and enable her to scale profitable with ads, especially YouTube ads
1) Show don't tell
It's the difference between telling people that they are fat Vs letting them accept that they are fat and they need to do something about it...
If you are able to get this it will seriously propel your advertising and offers to the next level
You want to lead them to have their own thoughts that they are buying from you...
It's like the age-old concept of sell me this pen, you make the person aware that with the pen they will be able to solve a much higher problem.
This is the ability to sell without selling as well...
Scriptwriters, drama, and movies are the epitome of show not tell..
Romantic movies use everything from sight, sound, facial expression, music to create an emotion within the viewers to paint the emotion in people's head and hearts
Imagine having the ability to lead your prospect to your desired outcome without them knowing it..
That's how we usually write our video ads to show how people life will transform if they buy our clients product/course/coaching program etc
And this is the reason why some of our ads last so long and generate so much results for our clients on YouTube Ads
2) Empathize don't patronize
Lots of video ads, funnel tend to tell people that they have the best product, best service, big claims blah blah blah...
Those are great but it doesn't relate to the inner desire, problems or thoughts of your dream prospect.
Empathy is one of the greatest weapon in direct responses marketing.
It's used by many top tier and A List copywriters to write copy that make millions for their clients or their own offers
And the key is the ability to get into you prospect head to understand what they think and how they feel
People want to feel heard, people want to belong to something..
And when you are able to show prospect that you understand them, most of the time emotions start to swell up in them.
Relationship starts to build between you and the audience
People will start taking action to buy as well
Which is why a great big idea will be able to create communities, word of mouth marketing for you without much effort when done correctly.
We find that with the big idea our video ads on YouTube always generate the right buzz for our clients in the long run
3) Truly find a unique angle
From 1957, one brand of soap manages to stand out from the rest and dominated the industry.
That was Dove Soap.
Their unique big idea was going against the norm from their competitors and targeted women...
At that era this was not thought of and people had a lot of stereotypical views about women
The idea that dove's soap creams your skin while you wash has continued to today's day and age
In each different decade, all the advertisers did was just to demonstrate the point that dove soap truly is different in acidity, in the ingredients, and does what it claims through their advertising.
You see to build a giant sometimes all you need is one good idea. Not all those fancy marketing tricks, sales tactics, etc etc
All you really need is to understand your audience and their desires, do adequate research to come up with a truly unique angle to last the times
If you want to be a category king or even to scale profitably without any cap this is the key to success..
So come up with your big ideas and rake in the cash from your marketing campaigns.
Doesn't matter what advertising you do all you need is one good everlasting big idea
If you are interested in how to truly create such ideas, comm3nt "BIG IDEAS" down below and once I have enough interest I will do a video to share with all of you