Evergreen notes are written to be used by future self and generations to come
Write evergreen notes as you (or your son, or grandson) will read them. The clarity is important.Try to illustrate one idea in one evergreen note. By doing that, you are making permanent insight.
Knowledge is the only resource that increases when used. You use your evergreen notes every day and your knowledge increases. The only unlimited scalable machine is the mind, so we should use knowledge as much as possible.
One way of using evergreen notes is to put the idea in the context where it will be most useful, rather than the context where you learned it. This is because the context of learning and the context of applying the learned information are different most of the time (source).
If you write evergreen notes with clarity and in atomic way, eventually it will produce serendipity, and you will surprise yourself when discovering your thoughts from your former self. This is proven to produce new knowledge in a long way.
So - notes are not used for just "storing" knowledge, but for thinking in a written medium.
Evergreen notes or even essays don't compete for attention. They ask for thinking time, for meditative reading, support calmness. They are meant for reflection, for re-editing, for incremental progress in knowledge, for finding meaning, for slow digest.
Doing handwriting notes in notebook make evergreen notes by definition: they don't need electric power nor operating system - they could potentially last forewere, that is: be aware what you write! Don't write just fleeting notes but try always to write evergreen content.
One sentence in evergreen notebook can easily escalate to whole essay or book.?